Ridiculous “bike lane” Mira Mesa

Couldn't agreed more. Coming from a civil engineering standpoint this idea is bonkers. When I first saw it I thought it was a 1 way street. Guaranteed if I hadn't seen the news I wouldn't know how to handle this scenario.  Nothing like trying to reinvent the wheel here.

just like the 100 year old palm tree's they were trying to cut down in point loma.  they said it was the FAA that was forcing them to do it & the FAA called their bluff.  it was, as Im sure everyone already knows............ simply about money.

Couldn't agreed more. Coming from a civil engineering standpoint this idea is bonkers. When I first saw it I thought it was a 1 way street. Guaranteed if I hadn't seen the news I wouldn't know how to handle this scenario.  Nothing like trying to reinvent the wheel here.
Yep, same here. Without that video, I’d have just f-ing stopped in the middle of the road and stared, Asian driver style. Lol

Heard this insane plan is scheduled for two more locations in San Diego.

All it’s going to take is one head on crash or a bicyclist to get hit as a car had to swerve in the bike lane to avoid a head on crash and a $30 million lawsuit against the city and this nonsense will end. Whoever is pushing this needs to be fired and prosecuted if someone is hurt or suffers property damage. 

Heard this insane plan is scheduled for two more locations in San Diego.

All it’s going to take is one head on crash or a bicyclist to get hit as a car had to swerve in the bike lane to avoid a head on crash and a $30 million lawsuit against the city and this nonsense will end. Whoever is pushing this needs to be fired and prosecuted if someone is hurt or suffers property damage. 
Yep. Literally zero training or public instruction on this… 25mph cars have to play chicken so 10mph bikes have dedicated lanes for each direction? Dumb. 

OMG / I thought it was a one way street........How the hell is that even possible?....someone is going to get killed on that street for sure and there will FOR SURE be a giant law suit....... SOOO STUPID!!!!


Road Diet overkill.  A few years back up here in Playa del Rey, they tried to take one of 2 ways into the beach cities and convert it from a 4 lane road to a 2 lane with bike lanes and different parking access.  It didn't go well:





Just after Memorial Day, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) removed a lane in each direction on Vista Del Mar, a long-popular arterial for South Bay commuters, and installed bike lanes and “road diets” on Pershing Drive, and Culver and Jefferson boulevards. Many South Bay residents complained of extra time added to their daily commutes as a result of the lane closures. Organized response from South Bay constituents eventually pushed Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn to craft a compromise, resulting in LADOT removing most of the lane closures on Vista Del Mar.

They have done the road diet in a couple of towns here in Southern Oregon but they took 4 lanes and gave traffic each a lane and bikes each lanes SD is crazy only giving one lane for all traffic both directions who the hell has the right of way besides the bicycles ugh

They are taking these stupid ideas from Europe, get ready for more runabouts as well

They are taking these stupid ideas from Europe, get ready for more runabouts as well
Roundabouts are fine in certain areas (2 equal sized streets) as they slow traffic without forcing it to stop (once people learn how to use them).  They are very space-intensive though...

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Roundabouts are fine in certain areas (2 equal sized streets) as they slow traffic without forcing it to stop (once people learn how to use them).  They are very space-intensive though...
I have zero issues with them, but many people aren't smart enough to navigate them....................

I have zero issues with them, but many people aren't smart enough to navigate them....................
Perhaps we should remove licenses.  .gov wants to put people on the bus anyway... :biggrin:

We used to have some epic threads on GD...Bicyclists vs Autos, right of way, etc...

But I doubt a single person of GD will say that road set up in that manner is a good idea or even needed...

