Remodeling Fun!


New member
May 5, 2021
We decided to remodel again, but this one was fairly major. In the kitchen, we took out the wall between the dining room and kitchen, added an island and updated with all new cabinets and 2 large banks of storage/pantry area. I have stitched together some photos showing what the house was when we bought it 4 years ago, then a bit after we moved in, and now. We also redid the guest rooms and guest bath, and added a closet to the master BR, but those pics will come later. 







Nicely done! We sold and bought this year and are in the middle of remodeling some of the house and pool. Also adding a bunch of natural stone to the exterior of the house and carrying that stone to our dual sided fireplace that splits our family/living room. Also installing new wood floors throughout. 

Adding a 135% solar system with a backup generator as well. Hopefully within the next year build a 3200 SQFT shop. 

Nicely done! We sold and bought this year and are in the middle of remodeling some of the house and pool. Also adding a bunch of natural stone to the exterior of the house and carrying that stone to our dual sided fireplace that splits our family/living room. Also installing new wood floors throughout. 

Adding a 135% solar system with a backup generator as well. Hopefully within the next year build a 3200 SQFT shop. 
Congrats! We did the wood floors throughout, paint and had the cabinets stained before move-in, but I only got a 400 sq/ft budget shop :classic_sad: .  Our level pay light bill is $108 for 2200 sq/ft, so solar isn't an option for us. 


Two Kitchens? is one a MIL suite type deal?
We actually did the MIL deal last year, where we took the two guest rooms, cut a 4' opening between, made one a bedroom and one a retreat, with the TV and all in there. It was next to the bathroom, but did not directly connect. 

Unfortunately, she only got to spend three days in her new digs last June before she went to a better place, as they say. We still miss her greatly. 

Was the wall you removed load bearing? If so, what did you replace it with?

Looks great
Actually, all the homes in our subdivision were designed to be semi-custom, the rafters do all the load bearing(no load bearing interior walls), and the walls could be anywhere the original purchaser wanted them. That is why we have a slopey kitchen, the wall with the cooktop is almost 45° angle with the rest of the house. There is only a few exterior house plans, but the insides can be anywhere from a little to a lot different than other homes with the same outside. There were a lot of options for outside trim as well, so even tho you can see the familial resemblence in all the homes, each one is personalized for what was cool in 2002-04

Unfortunately, we could not have that moved because they installed the HVAC in the way of straightening it out. That would have given us more room all the way around, but nooooo.... someone had to be artsy fartsy when they laid out their plan. Always trying to be different... 

I can give you the name of our contractor, he can be endlessly frustrating, but it all comes together in the end!
I'm doing my whole house myself and while the stuff that's  done is done to my OCD standards, I'm out of motivation and running short one funds now lol(we bough 2510 sqft of 1973 and it's killing me!

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I'm doing my whole house myself and while the stuff that's  done is done to my OCD standards, I'm out of motivation and running short one funds now lol(we bough 2510 sqft of 1973 and it's killing me!
I have been (stealthily) watching your project. You have been doing a great job. 10 years ago, I would have done mine myself, now, eff that!
