Found a 2011 250r Se for my son.
It's in pretty good shape but it oil smokes when cold.
I'm a 2 stroke guy but im thinking it's the valve guides. Maybe rings?
Where do I go from here? Compression test? Tear the head off and just do valve seals? Which seals are best? Do I replace the timing chain while it's apart?
Plan to maybe do a big bore ported motor in it after he rides it for a couple seasons so I'd rather not go to crazy replacing parts right out the gate.
It's in pretty good shape but it oil smokes when cold.
I'm a 2 stroke guy but im thinking it's the valve guides. Maybe rings?
Where do I go from here? Compression test? Tear the head off and just do valve seals? Which seals are best? Do I replace the timing chain while it's apart?
Plan to maybe do a big bore ported motor in it after he rides it for a couple seasons so I'd rather not go to crazy replacing parts right out the gate.