Raising an RV garage header!


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Well I swear if it could go wrong it will. Ordered my new 5er last week and over the weekend started thinking about a couple things that were bothering me.

When we bought the house we were told the RV garage was 40 feet only to learn it was really on 38’10”. I starting wondering what the chance was that they didn’t do the standard 14’ clearance for the garage opening. Sure as chit the opening only measures 12’10” tall. kind of a big problem when your new RV is 13’5”. 

has anyone here ever had to raise the header on their garage. I know it will be quite the process and I am already looking for a contractor to handle the process. 

if you have a good contractor referral in the Chandler Phoe ox area I would be very appreciative.

thank you 

I actually dont think its that big of a deal. I imagine its like any other doorway. 

I imagine modification involved would be support. Remove old beam and posts at door frame and make opening taller. 

Dont get me wrong big job when you include siding, door etc. but the logistics are same as what you have already 

I actually dont think its that big of a deal. I imagine its like any other doorway. 

I imagine modification involved would be support. Remove old beam and posts at door frame and make opening taller. 

Dont get me wrong big job when you include siding, door etc. but the logistics are same as what you have already 
I actually think it could be a lot bigger of a deal depending like with any other remodel, what is hiding under drywall and siding. 

The actual new door might be your biggest hurdle. I hear they are back ordered and I am not sure if you just add to the existing. Find that out before you start cracking eggs to make your omelet though, specially if you have an HOA. They might not be as understanding that your new door is 6 months away as you might think.

I actually think it could be a lot bigger of a deal depending like with any other remodel, what is hiding under drywall and siding. 

The actual new door might be your biggest hurdle. I hear they are back ordered and I am not sure if you just add to the existing. Find that out before you start cracking eggs to make your omelet though, specially if you have an HOA. They might not be as understanding that your new door is 6 months away as you might think.
Thank you for the thought. The door is one of the many challenges we are tackling right now. 

We want to add a second smaller Rv/Workshop to the existing RV garage depending on pricing. Hopefully someone on here has a good contractor referral. 

@Mac I believe had to do this to fit his new boat in their garage, he could probably provide some great input.

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It wasn't raising a header for a garage, but I recently had my standard 72" sliding patio door replaced with 17' 4 panel slider.  What the did was build a temporary wall inside the house just longer than the door was wide to hold the roof up.  Then cut out the old headers, plural because the new door also took out a piece of the wall where a 96" window was, and installed new studs and header. 

Also depends on how much of the side the door is occupying.  Wind tends to do funny things to huge buildings with no internal walls when you make the door too big.

@Mac I believe had to do this to fit his new boat in their garage, he could probably provide some great input.
I did this not too long ago.

I have an 11 foot ceiling in the garage and they had put an 8 foot door up.  I had a general contractor come in and push the header up 2 feet.  Easy peasy.  Took them a couple days and then a couple days to restucco.  It was relatively cheap to do.

If you have to reroof, that's a huge cost and will require permitting and approval.  That's a big structural change.

Just dig down 2 ft. :bag:

I think that Goat Poker did just that or was going to do that. He only needed like 4"  though and it was cheaper and his HOA couldn't do anything about it.

I did this not too long ago.

I have an 11 foot ceiling in the garage and they had put an 8 foot door up.  I had a general contractor come in and push the header up 2 feet.  Easy peasy.  Took them a couple days and then a couple days to restucco.  It was relatively cheap to do.

If you have to reroof, that's a huge cost and will require permitting and approval.  That's a big structural change.
Can you pm me what that ran you cost wise. Getting quotes but would like a real world baseline. 

what's the hight of your rafters?that's gonna play a factor as well if it can be done or not.

I actually think it could be a lot bigger of a deal depending like with any other remodel, what is hiding under drywall and siding. 

The actual new door might be your biggest hurdle. I hear they are back ordered and I am not sure if you just add to the existing. Find that out before you start cracking eggs to make your omelet though, specially if you have an HOA. They might not be as understanding that your new door is 6 months away as you might think.
You are definitely right on the door. i just waited 4.5 months for a new door (granted it was custom) but EVERYTHING is back order right now

The roof In the garage measures 14’3”
if the roof is 14ft 3 in i dont think you will have room for a header if your lookin for a 14 ft do.or  also there is no way to get a garage door with only 3 inches of head room doors usually require 2 ft of head room.   sliding barn doors might be the only way good luck

Sorry to hear about your predicament and I'm not sure what RV Storage costs out there.. but here in So. Cal it's a MINT!.. I got lucky and keep my 5th at an equestrian center for $125/month. Rates around my area are north of $300. Could always store at my Mom's in Rialto for free, but that's an hour away.

Good luck on your project.. make sure to post pictures!


You could look into a bifold hangar door, as they open out, and I don't think they require much overhead clearance at all.

You are definitely right on the door. i just waited 4.5 months for a new door (granted it was custom) but EVERYTHING is back order right now
I’ve got some doors on order and was told 14-15 weeks. Plus the cost has increased around 60% in just over a year. Just stupid! 

I’ve got some doors on order and was told 14-15 weeks. Plus the cost has increased around 60% in just over a year. Just stupid! 
I got real lucky. Ordered end if january. Was a long wait but beat the price increase! 
