Pro charger vs fingers

that's Effing gnarly, I mean that the fan blade was damaged 😛

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Oh dude, that's a mangled up finger...

Zip tie to the rescue!

Not to be mean but that dude's finger is in better condition than his brain.

We used to have a big swamp cooler on wheels in our shop. Swamp coolers have big squirrel cage fans in them that are normally not accessible when connected to the ducting of the building they're installed on but in this case it's right inside the opening where the cool air comes out. We just hired this kid to help out, clean up and stuff. He decided to stick his hand in the squirrel cage and ended up with 4 fingers just like that dude. Got rid of him as fast as we could.

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3 words...............

What ...  The  ...  Fakc?

I never thought to use a zip tie that way. I always reach for the electrical tape. I will put some zip ties in the first aid kit!!


I made up a saying a few years ago that I think applies here:

Some of life's lessons are best learned the hard way.  

I've never had the urge to stick my finger into a turbo or spinning fan of any sort, but those pics made me even more glad that I can learn from reading or looking at pics. However, I'm still thankful for the pics and story for reinforcing my decision not to ever do that, and the entertainment value of this entire thread.

