Precision shooting class


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I was going to do this long write up on this class but got bored with it, and didnt figure you guys would read all of my blather anyway........ 

So, I took a precision shooting class from a company called Max Ordinate (  it was in Lucerne Valley.  the PR1 class is 3 days (taken @ whatever pace you want as long as you take them in order.  I took them in a row). 

Day 1, Classroom: basic ballistics. Field: setup & drills

Day 2, Classroom: Wind calls more ballistics. Field: drills, then targets from 300Y to 1300Y

Day 3, Classroom: Moving targets. Field: drills, then climb up the ridge & shoot across the valleys

There is a good bit of climbing up the ridge on day 3, but its not that hard.  you can see from my Garmin, it was not much more challenging than a busy weekend. 

Im going to take some homework back to my home range & then look @ the PR2 class in the fall. 

The classroom is to the left in the Connex Box.  its drywalled & insulated & have TV's & couches & stuff in there.  We were eating lunch on the patio daddy-O

Lunch, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

this is the easiest way to get to the facility.  its a little bit off road, but if were careful you could take a "normal car". 

Max Ordinate Directions, 1, 17Apr24.jpg

Max Ordinate training website 1.jpg

The Blue circle is the 100Y range.  the green oval is a little spot on the side of the hill where we shot the multiple distances to the green circles.  the farthest target is 1300 Yarts.  the red line is a mile.  they didnt have the target up, so I didnt get to try that.  I would love to.  the orange lines are the ridge we hiked up on day 3 & shot westward across the canyons.  super fun doing this. 

Max Ordinate, Targets locations, 17Apr24.jpg

Getting our stuff together on the 100Y line. 

100YD Line, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

Me on the 100Y line in my ASA hat. 

BW on gun, 2, 14Apr24.jpg

Dinner on day 1.  small Messican place "in town".  good food. 

Dinner, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

this is a panoramic from up on top of the ridge.  all the way to the left is there the 1300Y target is, straight ahead is the 1Mile target & to the right you can see the connex boxes.

Hilltop, 4, Panoramic, 15Apr24.jpg

Drill sheets.  these were a lot of fun & good practice. 

Drill sheet 1, 2, 14Apr24.jpg

Drill sheet 2, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

Hold over drill.  good practice.  I will be using this one @ home.

Holdover Drill, 2, 15Apr24.jpg

this was a fun drill. 

Sin City Hustle, 2, 15Apr24.jpg

Zero check, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

100YD Line, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

all of the targets from 300Y to 1300Y up the canyon a bit. 

1300 Yard Targets, 1, 14Apr24.jpg

BW 1400 Yard line, 1, 14Apr24.jpg

a little cardio.  good stuff!!!! 

Garmin, floors climbed, 16Apr24.jpg

Garmin, Heart Rate, 16Apr24.jpg

Garmin, Steps walked, 16Apr24.jpg

up on top of the ridge shooting across the little canyon.  the instructor (Nick) on the right in the floppy hat, spotting the shots. 

Hilltop, 1, Tony, 15Apr24.jpg

dude from Vegas shooting across the canyon. 

Hilltop, 6, Justin, 15Apr24.jpg

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This is the target we used to zero the guns with. the top left is 2 groups of 3, not sure why the group is so big.  The instructor wanted me to “double check my math” & do another 3 group shot, so I did the top right.  He said “I think you are good”.  LOL.

Zero check, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

Top left is just take your time & get them as close as you can. 

Top right is 5 rounds in the mag, lay prone shot one shot.  Stand up touch the bench behind you, lay down break the next shot, stand up touch the bench, lay down break the next shot, etc.

Bottom left is 2 different malfunction drills, the first is pull the trigger & no fire (clear, chamber new round, re-engage), second is a failure to feed (remove mag, clear chamber, install mag, chamber, re-engage).

Bottom right is lay down & put it all on target, round fed, hand on trigger close eyes, open eyes if on target close eyes, open eyes if on target close eyes and break round with eyes closed. 

Drill sheet 1, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

Top left is “off hand”.  Wrong side of gun, wrong eye, wrong trigger finger, wrong hand on bag….  HATE IT.  LOL.

Top Right is mag change practice.  NO TAKING YOUR FACE OFF OF THE GUN.  All done while looking at the target.

Bottom left is another mag change drill we did not do.

Bottom right is a timed break position drill.  Start standing up & each person went one @ a time to see who was fastest. 

Drill sheet 2, 1, 13Apr24.jpg

Sin City challenge is a timed drill.  We started @ the right with the smallest target but the biggest time.  You started with mag in & bolt back & the gun pointed towards the target.  This was a super fun drill.

[SIZE=11pt]He started the clock you had to lay down, put it on target then get @ least half of the round in the hole.  I don’t remember what happened on the third round.  Clearly I was not on the gun correctly.  I was not super rushed for time.[/SIZE]

Sin City Hustle, 2, 15Apr24.jpg

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If anyone is interested in doing this class, they have a discount code.

Also I don't r3call if I mentioned it or not, but 2 of the guys rented an air BnB there in Lucerne Valley. Awesome idea.


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