Portable Pizza Oven - Doable in the Dunes?

Key to excellent CRUSTY on Pizza is not too hot water (Luke warm) when yore mixing the BREAD Flour (Not All Purpose), sugar and salt. Also important to let it rise properly, dough should double in size before you use it or set in cooler for storage. The Bread flour makes it crispy on outer edge vs doughy.

Don't walk away form the oven after you put the pizza in! 90 seconds if the oven is 900*, turn it 180* once.

To get the raw dough off the board lift the edge closest to you and blow under it then slide it into the oven.

Cold dough sticks - to everything

Clean up is pretty easy, just let the drippings burn off. Empty the hopper - some ash will build up.

Let it cool down BEFORE you try and handle the stone inside! :lol:   
Semolina flour(like cornmeal) on the stone and peel (pizza paddle) helps keep crust from sticking. Extra flour on the prep table too.
