Own a firearm in San Jose? Well, you may soon be required to have liability insurance...

I hear Dionne Warwick is penning a new song, "Do You Know The Way Out Of San Jose".

The sad thing is Ca is less than 10 yrs from being completely unsustainable for normal people. Once the universal health plan passes, take another 10-15k out of what you take home, double your gas/electric/insurance bills, double your fuel costs and groceries and you might barely be able to survive, but not on normal retirement.  I don't care where we end up, but it won't be CA... born and raised and have no illusions of being able to live and be safe and secure in my home.  Palm trees are not that cool.  I just hope there is room in other states.  Once the health plan passes you will see a FLOOD of the dregs of society into CA....they will welcome them with open arms... parasites that just kill the host.  

The sad thing is Ca is less than 10 yrs from being completely unsustainable for normal people. Once the universal health plan passes, take another 10-15k out of what you take home, double your gas/electric/insurance bills, double your fuel costs and groceries and you might barely be able to survive, but not on normal retirement.  I don't care where we end up, but it won't be CA... born and raised and have no illusions of being able to live and be safe and secure in my home.  Palm trees are not that cool.  I just hope there is room in other states.  Once the health plan passes you will see a FLOOD of the dregs of society into CA....they will welcome them with open arms... parasites that just kill the host.  
Effing SCARY!!!

The sad thing, many of these lame laws some how end up in other states............just a matter of time.

The sad thing is Ca is less than 10 yrs from being completely unsustainable for normal people. Once the universal health plan passes, take another 10-15k out of what you take home, double your gas/electric/insurance bills, double your fuel costs and groceries and you might barely be able to survive, but not on normal retirement.  I don't care where we end up, but it won't be CA... born and raised and have no illusions of being able to live and be safe and secure in my home.  Palm trees are not that cool.  I just hope there is room in other states.  Once the health plan passes you will see a FLOOD of the dregs of society into CA....they will welcome them with open arms... parasites that just kill the host.  
So, all the people that left Cali are moving back?


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This is just stupid. I am born and raised in San Jose. But man these politicians and people have lost their damn minds. damn commies with their hands out to make another buck! God Bless Merica
