Other people’s money


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
Would life improve for the folks consumed with how much money “the rich” have if government stepped in, confiscated the money and redistributed it?
No. Because they never worked for it...they would spend it foolishly ...make them more lazy and more dependent and in the end, they would be worse off and scream for more.

You can't have...what I have earned.
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How many more countries or societies need to fail using Socialism before people realize it doesn't work?

Here is the real issue.

People in the U.S. get taught "theory". Schools teach the "theory" of communism and socialism. By "theory", it's a great system. We all live together in peace and harmony. Everyone contributes and we are all equal. This is why young people are all for this. They are never taught history or reality.

Now..."Reality", it will never work as it does require a hierarchy and people in charge. Of course those people will always give themselves more. It also does not take into account that just as you have good, hardworking people, "man" is also has those that are takers and and who are lazy. That requires the other to carry their load and creates dissent.
Here is the real issue.

People in the U.S. get taught "theory". Schools teach the "theory" of communism and socialism. By "theory", it's a great system. We all live together in peace and harmony. Everyone contributes and we are all equal. This is why young people are all for this. They are never taught history or reality.

Now..."Reality", it will never work as it does require a hierarchy and people in charge. Of course those people will always give themselves more. It also does not take into account that just as you have good, hardworking people, "man" is also has those that are takers and and who are lazy. That requires the other to carry their load and
I’ve debated socialism / communism with Progressives on Twitter countless times (you could actually count the times if you wanted). When I explain the concept of “each according to his ability, each according to his need” and how that includes accountability in individual effort, personal responsibility and a debt to the collective Progressives go into a rage.
“Each according to his ability” dictates that an entity must be in place to decide if someone is pulling their weight and what the consequences are for those who don’t.
The question I ask supporters of socialism is “shouldn’t we assign a government financial planner to help the folks struggling by creating a budget and approving daily expenditures?” If the village is responsible for the individual shouldn’t that apply in times of plenty as well as hard times?
Our newest generation is being taught theory as Mac pointed out but that theory rarely addresses and individual’s obligation to the collective under a system tasked with the redistribution of wealth.
I’m more concerned with other people’s money when the people acquire the money via politics / elected office, one way or another that money is coming directly out of my pocket.
Don't give a fuck about other people's $$, but having the top 1% own 30% of our nation's wealth seems somewhat less than ideal, especially the top .1% given the outsized influence they hold on our society. See this guy for reference:

Don't give a fuck about other people's $$, but having the top 1% own 30% of our nation's wealth seems somewhat less than ideal, especially the top .1% given the outsized influence they hold on our society. See this guy for reference:

View attachment 134256
Not so crazy and argued since the 60's..
The son of a bitch put together rockets, cars, mining companies, satellites, internet, .. and you guys live to hate him. I guarantee if he was a liberal you would have made him president through a constitutional amendment.
That being said, I give him 12 months before Trump kicks him to the curb and then the Elon vs. Trump feud will begin.

......Cesarean sections (C-sections) have introduced a fascinating variable into human evolution. Historically, the size of the human brain was constrained by the dimensions of the female pelvis, which also had to allow for efficient bipedal locomotion. This evolutionary trade-off, sometimes called the "obstetric dilemma," has shaped human anatomy and development for millennia.

With the advent of modern medicine and the widespread use of C-sections, this limitation is less absolute. Babies with larger heads or broader shoulders, which might have posed significant risks to both the baby and mother during vaginal delivery, are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over generations, this could lead to incremental changes in average brain size or cranial capacity in humans, though it’s a complex and long-term process involving many factors.

However, it’s worth noting that brain size alone isn’t a direct indicator of intelligence or cognitive ability. Neural efficiency, organization, and connectivity also play critical roles. Additionally, cultural and technological evolution now play a much larger role in human adaptation than biological evolution.

It’s a fascinating intersection of biology, technology, and evolution...
I've got no complaints about people making money but I got problem with people making money that doesn't further society.. They produce nothing, they help nothing, they create nothing... Don't call yourself a businessman, call yourself a gambler and a leach...
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Ability is a huge factor, plenty of folks expecting to be spoon fed by daddy .gov have "ability" and that is a huge problem that needs addressing IMHO.

Accountability, well most these days Dodgers being accountable for their choices, actions and mistakes.

We went from "born this way", to self designation that they feel will justify the dysfunction in their life.

Great thread actually 👌

<- Born C Section

Should better health coverage only be for the rich and for people that have none?
Should the people that pay for better healthcare for everyone have a say in the life choices poor people make? If the goal is to cut down / eliminate disparity in health shouldn’t we also address lifestyle?
Would you be in favor of cholesterol check points at all fast food establishments?
Would you support government intervention for morbidly obese folks requiring them to report to a gym 4 times a week and have weekly weigh ins?
Joe Biden just pledged $4 Billion to the International Bank that supposedly helps poor countries, would you support withholding most foreign aid money being spent until US Citizens have the healthcare you approve of?
Don't give a fuck about other people's $$, but having the top 1% own 30% of our nation's wealth seems somewhat less than ideal, especially the top .1% given the outsized influence they hold on our society. See this guy for reference:

View attachment 134256
I believe the money is better spent in the hands of those who earned it than it would be in the hands of government.
Is Elon’s statement any more bizarre than someone on government assistance blaming Elon’s money for their lack of success?
Should better health coverage only be for the rich and for people that have none?
I'll be that guy.

I absolutely HATE and DO NOT support universal healthcare.

I gave 25 years to something I hated doing to have a good retirement and healthcare. I say you want healthcare, go earn it. If not, go find a way to pay for it. I should not be burdened with paying other peoples healthcare or "retirement" because they chose not to plan for it.

I also use the VA for as much as they will give. Why? Because obama (biggest fuck you fucktard that ever was) decided the military had "too good" of a plan and retroactively took away parts of my healthcare...after I retired. So...I go to the VA to get some of that back through not having to pay for it. With that said...anyone that wants the government to control their healthcare is a fucking idiot. The VA would rather see me dead than help. I am on a constant loop of contacting my Congressman to get the VA to help. Now go an add 300+ million more people to that plan. We'll all be dead.
With the advent of modern medicine and the widespread use of C-sections, this limitation is less absolute. Babies with larger heads or broader shoulders, which might have posed significant risks to both the baby and mother during vaginal delivery, are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over generations, this could lead to incremental changes in average brain size or cranial capacity in humans, though it’s a complex and long-term process involving many factors.

You forgot to mention the most favorable result.....the birth canal will reduce in size over time!!! (y)

I was delivered vaginally which might explain my thought process above! :ROFLMAO:🤷‍♂️
  • In 2022, taxpayers filed 153.8 million tax returns, reported earning nearly $14.8 trillion in adjusted gross income(AGI), and paid $2.1 trillion in individual income taxes.
  • The average income tax rate in 2022 was 14.5 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 23.1 percent average rate, six times higher than the 3.7 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.
  • The top 1 percent’s income share fell from 26.3 percent in 2021 to 22.4 percent in 2022, and its share of federal income taxes paid fell from 45.8 percent to 40.4 percent.
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
I busted my balls my whole life to get where I am. If you don't like it, and are envious, tough shit.