Old Permits


Well-known member
May 4, 2021
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Think my older ones are in a box, I feel like a pack rat sometimes :P

have a few myself, Even have a couple of the stickers on a toolbox.
Ah... Back when you could buy a season pass and move it to the vehicle you actually drove...
I've got a couple of the stickers replaced here and there. My bootlegs are my favorite ***wink!***
i seemed to make the weekly ones years ago last a year when they had to hole punch the date and month.Just needed 2-3,scotchtape and a hole punch LOL
I guess when I remodeled my garage I got rid of the stack of hangers. I still have the anuals on the truck.

i seemed to make the weekly ones years ago last a year when they had to hole punch the date and month.Just needed 2-3,scotchtape and a hole punch LOL
Many times, my pass was not scratched off.
And no, I didn't resell them.
They are in a box somewhere.