Oh, California. You can't make this up! CA to ban portable generators...

Damn these means someday i will be fighting for a camping spot in Armagosa Dunes.

Damn these means someday i will be fighting for a camping spot in Armagosa Dunes.
Are those anywhere near the Amargosa Dunes up there by Dumont Dunes? Always looking for new places to explore…

California is so dumb. They Want everything to go to electronic but their power grid can’t even handle it now. Already import more electricity than any other state. Just wait till millions more cars are being plugged in to charge. 
I've got 10 warehouses in So. Cal. - we've put massive emergency diesel generators on many of them to power lights, systems, gates, charging stations for forklifts, etc. due to the power outages and unstable grid.  Edison is now offering us money to run the generators on certain days they somehow know they will be tight on power!  And they offer an exemption to let us run them - AQMD (Air quality) limits the time we can run.  Our State leaders decisions are comical.  

Are those anywhere near the Amargosa Dunes up there by Dumont Dunes? Always looking for new places to explore…
Kind of,  it is near area 51, in Armargosa Valley, if you go past Dumont, Past Shashone then hit the I-95 then you are almost there, It is pretty small but taller than Dumont, Most go there on Holiday weekends to get away from the crowds, No BLM no Rangers, lots of trails also.

and it is in Nevada, so you can run your Geni LOL  

So out of touch! It's as though they sit at a round table and just toss out ideas to fuc@ with Ca residents! 

That’s funny, SDG&E is now offering a rebate for portable generators for when the power goes out. 

That’s funny, SDG&E is now offering a rebate for portable generators for when the power goes out. 
Got that the other day. Don't really need another generator, but may pick one up just to screw SDG&E out of $300.

Lamest law ever, no way to police it.  Law Enforcement will not police this...............I think in the big picture it would hurt construction sites the most?

California gets alot of its power from the hydro electric facilities up in Oregon and Washington. I read that one of the recent fires in northern Calif. came real close to taking out a major transmission line coming down from Oregon and Washington. They were absolutely crapping their pants up in Sacramento. If it had happened, there would have been huge blackouts all over the state.

with all that is going on in commifornia right now, this is the BULLCrapE the effing demons are worried about! :effu:

Are you saying they are going to ban leaf blowers ? 

I might actually vote no on the reacall and vote for Bidens 2nd term if I thought it would get leaf blowers banned. 

 I'm obviously kidding but they are my least favorite POS on this earth.  All day every day in my neighborhood trying to enjoy my morning coffee and I get grass and dirt dust flying over the fence with teo stroke exhaust. Sounds like poeple drive RZR's all day long. Every monday night at 6 pm for 21 years they fire up next door where my BBQ is and run like mad. They never stop , I tell my wife I'm going to make tshirts thjat say " I hear leaf blowers"  

I would LOVE to see those things get banned. 
The old Mexican mow and Blow, happens in my hood every week too.

They blow it from one yard to the next then the next crew comes in and blows it right back.
