No more propane cylinders.

What are they going to do next in Commiefornia? Ban gas powered lawn mowers?

What are they going to do next in Commiefornia? Ban gas powered lawn mowers?
Can't do that, majority of the garderners are CAs new base and vote how they're told. Funny to see a gardener filling up multiple 5 gallon fuel cans at the local gas station which will burn more fuel in a day then my kids quad in an entire season but I need a Green sticker.

It's not just lawn equipment.  Almost all small engines that are not generators or pressure washers.  Cali (CARB) has gone after some manufacturers so hard that they gave up on certain engines.  Honda specifically was fined something like 9 millions bucks over the fuel tank cap on an engine.

How are you going to pass the time during one of your increasingly more frequent black outs?  Well, you won't be doing yard work.

I think shipping Butane to cali has been banned too. I got a little propane torch and had a hard time finding some. Eventually was near a Home Depot that stocked it.

I refill mine with this feller:
NICE... just ordered one.

I like to use these small propane cylinders because they super are convenient at tailgates, with that refill attachment it's now even better.

I have everything from a pocket rocket to a 3 burner camp cheff pro...I like options, this is #MERICA




@Crusty Nice.  Super simple: freeze the small cylinder ahead of time, connect to the large cylinder, turn the large cylinder upside down, open valve until you don't hear the propane flow anymore.  You can purge and all that chit if you want, I don't bother.  Works well enough to fill it 3/4 and keep on rollin.

Don't worry, almost everything starts in Cali and a virus.

Also, just noticed @Crusty is a lazy-ass-mofo: hot dogs between the grilles, not across them.  Fight them sausages from rolling off, sideways grill marks are the way:

Don't you know your supposed to lightly score the outer casing on a hot dog before grilling.  
