No more propane cylinders.


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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Just heard this regarding disposable propane cylinders.  First I heard of it.

 there is a bill moving along that will phase out disposable cylinders –make them illegal to sell in California after Jan 28, 2028.   It is SB 1256.  It seems like the bill will be sent to the Governor for signature 

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I'm not keen on folks telling me what I can and can not do, but......  I hate those things and will not buy another one as long as I can help it.  

Just reading about this. Figured it’s written by a Democrat Bob Wieckowski in District 10 which is the Fremont area. 

Nothing I can find states why they want to eliminate the disposable propane canisters? There is no rebuttal or anything for this bill AB 1256. 
but it passed the Assembly on 6/28/22. 

Only 11 Assemblyman voted on it. 7 Dems and 4 Republicans. All 7 Dems said yes, 2 republicans said yes with 2 saying no.  

They are tough to beat for a portable propane torch.  Other than that, I use the refillable ones.

Haven't used the small bottles in years so, ehh.

LPG is going away on RV's in the near future. They say it's too dangerous. Everything will be battery and generator until they outlaw petroleum. 

Not sure where you got that quote from what I said???
Just sounds like you're poo-pooing it like LRS.  I use refillable, I haven't used them in years...

Similar to fudds when an ammo ban comes up and people say: I reload, I stocked up in 1927, I don't shoot that caliber, etc.

Ca, where the stupid hurts.  I guess plumbers will have to drag a 5er with a hose to sweat pipes.  Either that, or get it from adjacent states.  My sister in CA had to send a plumbing fixture to me in AZ so I could send it to her.  Effing fixture was sent to me from CA in the first place.  I guess they do not care if AZ runs out of water?

Just sounds like you're poo-pooing it like LRS.  I use refillable, I haven't used them in years...

Similar to fudds when an ammo ban comes up and people say: I reload, I stocked up in 1927, I don't shoot that caliber, etc.
I do use them where it makes sense, but running a camp stove with them is not the most cost effective way to go.  Yay Capitalism.  I left CA due to this sort of stupidity.  Would never go back if the dunes were not there. 

Your appointed CADOJ agent appreciates the link.  Felony purchase of black market earth killing device.
Lol. High capacity propane cylinders will be next.

Amusingly, of all the garbage we throw away, steel is generally the least offensive trash we make…
