Newsom (AKA Super Douchebag) Strikes again

What sucks is these effing moron politician's actually think they are doing good! They pat themselves on the back because they are doing it for us!

All the while it keeps themselves nice and cozy cause the laws don't apply to them. Self preservation and Eff the rest! It's the DEMONcratic way!

I don't think so, I think they hate us and think we are all idiots, sadly most are. They show nothing but utter contempt for us, time and time again. They don't care that 13 US service members where killed. They don't care that they abandoned thousand or US citizens along with thousands of allied countries citizens in Afghanistan. They see us as so beneath them that we are not considered human to them. They are the party of evil. They are a satanic cult of pedophiles. 

I don't think so, I think they hate us and think we are all idiots, sadly most are. They show nothing but utter contempt for us, time and time again. They don't care that 13 US service members where killed. They don't care that they abandoned thousand or US citizens along with thousands of allied countries citizens in Afghanistan. They see us as so beneath them that we are not considered human to them. They are the party of evil. They are a satanic cult of pedophiles. 
Speaking of "Satanic Pedophiles".

My wife just told me the douchebag just signed another bill saying that CHILDREN 12 and up can get a sex change or an abortion without parental consent. All the while using the parents insurance for whatever they are doing.

Speaking of "Satanic Pedophiles".

My wife just told me the douchebag just signed another bill saying that CHILDREN 12 and up can get a sex change or an abortion without parental consent. All the while using the parents insurance for whatever they are doing.
I have never used WTF as much as I have in the last year.
