New Scammer? TobeyMaguire?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
Personally, I hear a train whistle (watch the F out, you are about to get run over).  I meet your grain bin msg, and raise your bid with a msg about NIssan adapter that I am looking for.

"Hey, have you try asking bringenkaos about the  Nissan Z24 Adapter he has to part out with? If not i will advise you to ask him because the last time i spoke with him, it's still available and he wants to let it go for a very affordable offer. You can email him for a fast response. Have a nice day"

I notice that he is a new member.

I was just going to look at bringenkaos when I saw your entry.

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TobeyMaguire 0

Started conversation: 8 hours ago


Hey, have you try asking bringenkaos about the used grain bin, 10 - 15' diameter he has to part out with? If not i will advise you to ask him because the last time i spoke with him, it's still available and he wants to let it go for a very affordable offer. You can email him for a fast response. Have a nice day.
doesnt come across at all like google translate from some third world shithole language

It's not getting any easier to catch these basstards.

@Crusty Locked his ass out.


Scammers are upping their game. They're starting to get real personal. Had one that came into a high school reunion FB group and scammed a bunch of people before they figured it out. 

I am vEry interest3d in your' adverts! 


I literally have the same message about the Fortin I’m looking for. 


He seemed to have forgotten to paste the item in the body of the message for me 👌🏻

I also tried to use the “Report” function but nothing seemed to happen?


gonna say YES considering bringenkaos is Raymond not Zach

Looks legit, I'm waiting for my transaction to complete  :swat:


I think we need to bring in @bringenkaos and do some kind of interrogation! After all he is has been mentioned in EVERY one of these attempted scams!

I sent a PM to Kaos....he said that he didnt have the adapter and I havent heard back from McGuire.

Kaos is probably wondering why the heck are these people, out of the blue, sending me a PM about weird.ass stuff.

I sent a PM to Kaos....he said that he didnt have the adapter and I havent heard back from McGuire.

Kaos is probably wondering why the heck are these people, out of the blue, sending me a PM about weird.ass stuff.
I knew Raymond (Bringingkaos) didn't have one and it was a scam from the start
