New CF Moto SXS

Sand Shark

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Not sure how many saw that CF Moto released a new 64" wide sport model with 143hp. Price point is $19,999 for the 2 seater and $22,999 for the 4 seater. Comes with a lot of features and looks to be a nice rig. This sport segment got a lot more interesting.


Saw that, CF Moto has come a ways....$20k a good start point if they sell.
Saw that, CF Moto has come a ways....$20k a good start point if they sell.
At that price point I think they are going to sell a lot of them. If they prove to be durable they will sell a ton of them.
I know I will get Flamed here but I kinda like them.. For the Price point and IF they are durable it might not be a bad option
I know I will get Flamed here but I kinda like them.. For the Price point and IF they are durable it might not be a bad option

I think there are a lot of people that will be interested in them and will take a chance at that price point. If CF Moto was smart they would give some units to the bigger aftermarket companies and let them have at it. Having a good selection of aftermarket parts will entice buyers.
I think there are a lot of people that will be interested in them and will take a chance at that price point. If CF Moto was smart they would give some units to the bigger aftermarket companies and let them have at it. Having a good selection of aftermarket parts will entice buyers.
SuperAtv is already all over it making accessories. Smart on them, while others ignore this market.

Always seen them at certain dealers, but interesting they are now coming out with performance models.

Its like Hyundai, they went started here....

SuperAtv is already all over it making accessories. Smart on them, while others ignore this market.

Always seen them at certain dealers, but interesting they are now coming out with performance models.

Its like Hyundai, they went started here....
View attachment 120132

Let's hope like Hyundai CFMoto can turn their reputation.

I am sure other aftermarket companies will jump on board once they see people are buying them and there is a big enough market.
Someone misspoke in one of those videos, and said live valve. It sounds more like IQS.
Yeah it is just electronic control of the 3 compression settings that come with those shocks.

Damn, they weren't exactly kind to these machines on the test drive.
My experience to date of (apparently) being the only one who will simply come out and admit that they've put down a deposit. (keep it/sell it/who knows; this is only what I've been told by multiple dealers contacted ):

> Dealers are saying that they only have a limited amount of dates to order throughout the year. Some say December; others January for this car.
> Prep has ranged from $900 all the way up to over $2100
> The amount that dealers are apparently making on the sale is below the minimum that I would bother with it weren't for the upside (which would still be in doubt if CF doesn't make a serious run at the big guys).
> Haven't heard a delivery yet quoted before March or April 2025.
> As with deposit admittance, only Super ATV and a few other much more minor players in the aftermarket are publicly admitting that the Z10 will be profitable for their business in 2025 and beyond. Dealers don't seem to know much about when OEM parts will ever deliver.
> Heard that at least (7) rolled at launch on a very rutted short track as some pushed a 64" wide car too hard given the conditions (slow down; throttle hard; somehow maintain distance). Biggest takeaways were how little damage was sustained/suspension/power/interior comfort, etc.

Basically a wing and a prayer on this one. I had to pull my launch deposit over a $1200 difference in delivery/set up fees so who knows where I'll be sitting in line next year. The dealers that I've contacted seemingly don't know/don't care as they're all basically along for what is likely to be a decent ride in 2025. Some are even claiming to be the #1 dealer in the country given CF's new found fame. They announced who the top dealers were at launch yet who knows if they'll receive any preference on a delivery date or numbers.

In my opinion, this is all shaping up to be a real log jam of orders with (again) no defined delivery dates in the spring/summer if 6 cars per dealer is the cap and order dates are still controlled. New dealers will be added yet the current system will not be good for anyone but CF should popularity explode.
By the way, the video in post #16 is probably one of the most honest that I've come across in terms of where this car sits in the market and flaws noticed to date (not many).
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