New car woes and !!Need tires MT Baja pro 33!!

I asked the Escondido Parkhouse a couple years ago to shave a couple fronts and they laughed at me and said hell no. Not sure why I was standing there watching them do it. 

25 hours of work in two days to get this bad mamma JAMA back together! Mama and bad kitty did amazing first time driving a Sand car! Remember, this young lady has been on a two wheel bike and riding Glamis since she was three. Perfect first car to get her off the bike! Great vision, perfect power plant This was a match made in heaven! 
Thank you, Chad and Grant. You guys made this happen for me and my wife! 

she is solid now!!

If you see bad kitty in mother G stop and say hi! C97CD45F-6CC1-4FE9-B72C-F53BCA2CD292.jpeg108BF195-855C-4728-AA80-856720685A15.jpeg12DF3243-AAB2-4B52-9633-224FEE873313.jpegF41394E2-F9ED-4A39-AABE-D8E1003DEFEF.jpeg8D749A22-2D85-49F1-B611-C32DD650346C.jpegBCB0ED15-FAC2-48E4-866A-64851555228E.jpegC97CD45F-6CC1-4FE9-B72C-F53BCA2CD292.jpeg


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The saga continues! We took it vantage of the cool weather, and got another trip in! That’s the good news. Mama loved her car and kick some serious ass! On the last day, right in front of camp, she sent a rod through the block. I guess it was good timing for a bad event. We are on the lookout for a LS motor. Let me know if anybody has a line on one. 

