Need help in Mexicali


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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Buddy has a 2005 ford f250 that won’t start in the parking lot of Walmart. 6.0 motor..

He believes it is the engine oil pressure regulator.. at this point we are looking to fix it, rent a truck, or??

Can anyone help? 949-678-8369
It may start after it cools off a bit and builds more oil pressure, might also try starting it with ICP unplugged. Should be on passenger side valve cover
Buddy has a 2005 ford f250 that won’t start in the parking lot of Walmart. 6.0 motor..

He believes it is the engine oil pressure regulator.. at this point we are looking to fix it, rent a truck, or??

Can anyone help? 949-678-8369
Unplug the icp. It should automatically set pressure to 700psi and be driveable to get
Back to America
Yes it isn’t building low oil pressure when you crank it.. by using a rag with gasoline you can basically induce a runaway diesel situation to get the oil pressure up then pull the rag.

So long as he keeps somewhat of the rpm’s up it will be fine.. then we got seven drinky nights in San Felipe to figure it out. lol.

If not I’ll pay one of the mexichanics to fix.. those fuckers can fix anything!

Yes it isn’t building low oil pressure when you crank it.. by using a rag with gasoline you can basically induce a runaway diesel situation to get the oil pressure up then pull the rag.

So long as he keeps somewhat of the rpm’s up it will be fine.. then we got seven drinky nights in San Felipe to figure it out. lol.

If not I’ll pay one of the mexichanics to fix.. those fuckers can fix anything!

Probably a clogged ipr screen. You will be cursing the Engineer that thought it was a good idea to wedge it behind and below the turbo up against the head. Easiest way to reach it is remove the heat shield ontop of trans and behind turbo from under the truck. If someone has small hands can pull intake, ficm and rear head stud and wedge hand in between head and turbo, but you will need a thin swivel head ratchet to pull ipr.
I’ve done this a couple times. The hpop went out soon after the second time @170k miles. It would still start though after a long crank to build pressure