Need a favor. Looking to borrow a trailer.


Active member
May 5, 2021
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We are getting ready to take a trip up to Reno for the massive car show they have up there (Hot August Nights. Should check it out if you like old cars). I am planning on taking our 1969 Suburban with us. This is where I am hoping someone might be willing to help me out. I need to borrow a trailer to get it up there. I looked into renting one but the cost is just way out of my budget. (These are the times when I regret selling my trailer). Does someone have a 16ft or longer trailer they would be willing to let me borrow for the first full week in August? We would be pulling it with my in-laws Monaco Motorhome (we won't get into why my motorhome isn't making this trip). I know this is kind of a big ask but any help would greatly be appreciated and help me out of a bind. Thanks   

I’m sure you could use mine. May want to see if it’s heavy enough for that truck. The ramps are what would concern me. Of coarse if the truck doesn’t run than you won’t want my trailer!

We are getting ready to take a trip up to Reno for the massive car show they have up there (Hot August Nights. Should check it out if you like old cars). I am planning on taking our 1969 Suburban with us. This is where I am hoping someone might be willing to help me out. I need to borrow a trailer to get it up there. I looked into renting one but the cost is just way out of my budget. (These are the times when I regret selling my trailer). Does someone have a 16ft or longer trailer they would be willing to let me borrow for the first full week in August? We would be pulling it with my in-laws Monaco Motorhome (we won't get into why my motorhome isn't making this trip). I know this is kind of a big ask but any help would greatly be appreciated and help me out of a bind. Thanks   
Where are you located?

I’m sure you could use mine. May want to see if it’s heavy enough for that truck. The ramps are what would concern me. Of coarse if the truck doesn’t run than you won’t want my trailer!
I'll give you a call.

I took this car to Hot Summer Nights years ago, the actual drive there and back were the best part of the show.  No trailer queen :classic_biggrin:

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If we stayed in a hotel or Air BnB we would drive the suburban up there but we take and stay in our motorhome so not really an option.

The burb is def not a trailer queen. More dirty rod-ish. We drive the crap out of her. My kid would daily it if he could afford the gas bill.

