Moving to a free state?

Some of us have moved because of politics, and didn't want what was happening.  I am a Ca to AZ transplant, but have absolutely no intent of bringing the CA crap with me!!  I didn't participate in or promote any of the CA crap anyway, just for the record!!

The problem lies with a large percentage that are moving out of California are not involved in Voting or politics (probably because they feel it doesn't matter).  But the smaller percentage that are moving for financial reason are active in voting.  Moving to AZ and not participating in the election process is just as bad as voting for a democrat.  The liberals are more involved and vote.  Most of my Conservative friends (Before Trump) never voted................thus the reason this state (Ca) has become so one sided.

The problem lies with a large percentage that are moving out of California are not involved in Voting or politics (probably because they feel it doesn't matter).  But the smaller percentage that are moving for financial reason are active in voting.  Moving to AZ and not participating in the election process is just as bad as voting for a democrat.  The liberals are more involved and vote.  Most of my Conservative friends (Before Trump) never voted................thus the reason this state (Ca) has become so one sided.
I agree...easier for most to sit back and not do anything, rather than participate and be active!!  Complacency has bit us!

I agree...easier for most to sit back and not do anything, rather than participate and be active!!  Complacency has bit us!
Agree with you and cookie but......after this last election debacle do you truly think our votes matter anymore?  With all the B.S. that was proven last election and the corruption on BOTH sides was pretty obvious.  the politicians are guna do what they want and the masses (sheeple) will follow. Maybe the bills and other little county level votes will matter but im still not convinced. 

Agree with you and cookie but......after this last election debacle do you truly think our votes matter anymore?  With all the B.S. that was proven last election and the corruption on BOTH sides was pretty obvious.  the politicians are guna do what they want and the masses (sheeple) will follow. Maybe the bills and other little county level votes will matter but im still not convinced. 
You can't let the process deter you.  Pelosi said the 2016 election was rigged when Trump won.  The point, the last couple of elections the loser has stated there is fraud.  This is our new norm, people cry foul when it doesn't go their way.  Conservatives need to keep voting and get more involve in every day politics even if you moved out of California.  Even local politics make a difference.

The biggest problem is that half of the population spends more time deciding who they are going to put thru to the next round on the voice over who they are going to let make choices for them in DC.  Or  they pick them for stupid reasons like who they think is going to win because they don't want to vote for a looser

It is even worse at the local level where they have the biggest impact into your actual life.  There most people either vote for the guy who has been there or the party's candidate and some don't even know what side of the isle the candidate is from just that is the candidates sign they saw last before they voted and they liked there smile.

Everyone should vote no doubt about it, but you should make some effort into picking who you are voting for 

You can't let the process deter you.  Pelosi said the 2016 election was rigged when Trump won.  The point, the last couple of elections the loser has stated there is fraud.  This is our new norm, people cry foul when it doesn't go their way.  Conservatives need to keep voting and get more involve in every day politics even if you moved out of California.  Even local politics make a difference.
Thanx. Im a younger parent (35) and these past couple of elections have done exactly that "deterred" my wife and I. But I agree with you (not because I like your funco Honda combo) but we need to stay persistent and not be complacent. Im not a total dummy and I actually realize the president is simply a mask/puppet/billboard but frustrating regardless. 

You can't let the process deter you.  Pelosi said the 2016 election was rigged when Trump won.  The point, the last couple of elections the loser has stated there is fraud.  This is our new norm, people cry foul when it doesn't go their way.  Conservatives need to keep voting and get more involve in every day politics even if you moved out of California.  Even local politics make a difference.
This ^^^^

We just voted in a local election, mostly county level and school board positions. We searched the net for background on the school board candidates to try and learn their ideology before casting our votes. It did not take much effort to discover the progressive socialist from the traditional conservative candidates. The progressive candidates love to pronounce their wokeness to the world. 

Vote in your local elections, it will have more impact on your day to day life than most think. Especially school board positions that will have a major impact on our youth and what they are taught!

And I will add that what happened in the 2020 Presidential election was more than political rhetoric, there was some targeted effective shenanigans in a few states that drastically altered the outcome. And because it was targeted to a few locations that had a major impact, it gave the left plausible deniability in regards to "wide spread" voter fraud. Just my opinion. 

And I will add that what happened in the 2020 Presidential election was more than political rhetoric, there was some targeted effective shenanigans in a few states that drastically altered the outcome. And because it was targeted to a few locations that had a major impact, it gave the left plausible deniability in regards to "wide spread" voter fraud. Just my opinion. 
In 2016 Hillary was perceived correctly as a Biatch, Trump was a bully, Most people didn't mind a bully picking on a Biatch and the middle of the road voter voted Trump. The next four years the Left and some of the Right spent every waking moment pointing at Trump saying this guy is a tyrannical dictator who every time he opens his mouth is just embarrassing us on a national and world stage and every time Trump got in front of a camera he did his best to prove them right.

2020 rolls around and instead of Trump just quietly stating that the Pandemic is a hick-up and we will get back to where we were in no time at all.  He goes WWF royal rumble on Sleepy Joe in the first debate and takes those people who liked him beating up on a Biatch to screaming at their grandpa  which they didn't care for. All he had to do was debate him like he did the second time and we would be looking at this thru the Trump lens instead of the Biden one. He had nobody to blame but his ego and that was bigger than him.  There was no wide voter fraud it was just the American Idol voters feeling sorry for the old man who got bullied by Trump.

I have been very busy moving people out of the state the last few years. In the past when we sold a house and moved a family out of state it was for a job transfer or retirement. Most of them lately have been selling in CA to move to a red state. 

Having that said the buyers have been young families that have previously been renting and now purchasing. The trend is definitely real. 

It's very true that Many are leaving CA due to cost and not politics.  And they definitely take their politics with them.

And more importantly they have a serious cognitive defect in relating Progressive policies to outcomes they experienced in blue states, so they generally turn the state blue. 

Its easy to understand why this happens more now than ever - People never get to know their neighbors - they live isolated lives even before the pandemic ... With Social media and lack of most people  getting "integrated" into new neighborhoods,  and since there are no more "local" newspapers, the CA CNN watchers continue to watch CNN and really never get or understand the benefits of being in a Red state other than lower cost.  They are destined to destroy the values that they cannot  or are unwilling to understand.

Just the taxes in California warrant leaving. I can afford to stay or go...  Where to though?
