Monster Manx smog

Might be worth reaching out to Cody Crisp- He used to build these cars and might have some insight.
Just buy a titled VW pan form the 60s and use cut the vin/tunnel out and put it in the dejong. I might know someone that did something similar to that.

This one’s got a title.

Hear Chp highly frowns on that though.
So I talked to my buddy and he says he is over it with keeping the plate between all the smog attempts, difficulty obtaining insurance, etc so he is just gonna green sticker it and be done.
So I talked to my buddy and he says he is over it with keeping the plate between all the smog attempts, difficulty obtaining insurance, etc so he is just gonna green sticker it and be done.
once the california DMV gets it on there radar, it is almost easier to abandon and start over. They want to go down a rabbit hole and make everything accountable , down to the last receipt. I used to have a separate folder with a bunch of receipts for materials and parts that all reflected the tax was paid. Then they wanted a receipt for the motor and transmission. I have an old vw motor that I keep under a bench that I would swap into different cars for inspection to prove that it was made before the smog was relevant. It was a pain in the ass, but really the only way to get a sb100 smog exempt plate in cali.
The issue even in nevada is the 2010 vehicle has to have a motor the same year or newer, i think this is for most states, the motor would have to be a serial number for a 2010 or above,

The vw bug option is the way i would go,