Missing 5year old in Johnson Valley

I was the leader of our rides. I would have to go to each rig to round everyone up. My son would always be the first on his bike with it running while he waited! Always impatient. Yes I taught him to not leave but my eyes weren’t on him while I rounded up the troops. Yes I feel I taught him right but in the end I was LUCKY he didn’t take off. You can teach them and preach to them til your blue in the face, in the end they are a kid and make dumb decisions.
Yes, they are kids and they make dumb decisions. That's why it's YOUR job to stay 2 steps ahead of them until they start making smart decisions. It's definitely NOT a matter of luck.

I think it's pretty simple.

Keep the bike locked up with the padlock and cable until dad is mounted up and ready to ride, then hand the key to the kid and let him unlock it AFTER the whole camp has been rounded up.

Yes, they are kids and they make dumb decisions. That's why it's YORE job to stay 2 steps ahead of them until they start making smart decisions. It's definitely NOT a matter of luck.

I think it's pretty simple.

Keep the bike locked up with the padlock and cable until dad is mounted up and ready to ride, then hand the key to the kid and let him unlock it AFTER the whole camp has been rounded up.
Corrected spelling!

There is apparently a large group of people who see nothing wrong with being outsmarted by a 5 yr old kid.

Draw your own conclusions from that.
I’m sorry but I find you to be completely full of Crap! You have got to be one naive person to think your kids haven’t done anything when your not looking or not around. There is no way in hell you honestly think that because you told them not to do something, they followed your rules to a “T” when you weren’t looking or not around. You have heard the stories about the Pastors daughters right? 

Yes, they are kids and they make dumb decisions. That's why it's YOUR job to stay 2 steps ahead of them until they start making smart decisions. It's definitely NOT a matter of luck.

I think it's pretty simple.

Keep the bike locked up with the padlock and cable until dad is mounted up and ready to ride, then hand the key to the kid and let him unlock it AFTER the whole camp has been rounded up.
I agree with the watching yore kid and being responsible stuff, but the suggestion I underlined above is ridiculous. Nobody's going to tell their kid that every other person in camp has to be on their bike and ready to go and then I will unlock yours. 

I agree with the watching yore kid and being responsible stuff, but the suggestion I underlined above is ridiculous. Nobody's going to tell their kid that every other person in camp has to be on their bike and ready to go and then I will unlock yours. 
If you can't trust your kid to wait for everyone else, it's sure better than him taking off and getting lost overnight in the desert. I'm not saying everyone should do that.

Just people who are convinced their kid will do something stupid.

I’m sorry but I find you to be completely full of Crap! You have got to be one naive person to think your kids haven’t done anything when your not looking or not around. There is no way in hell you honestly think that because you told them not to do something, they followed your rules to a “T” when you weren’t looking or not around. You have heard the stories about the Pastors daughters right? 
Sounds like someone is a bit touchy about being outsmarted by a 5 yr old kid.

I don't blame ya. It doesn't look good.

Sounds like someone is a bit touchy about being outsmarted by a 5 yr old kid.

I don't blame ya. It doesn't look good.
Not touchy at all on my side. At no point did I say my son ever took off without me. What I did say was there was plenty of opportunity for him to do so where I wouldn’t have noticed right away. As your kids I can guarantee were the same way. We raise our kids with rules and guidelines putting the fear of God in them so they know if they don’t follow the rules there will be hell to pay. From that point, it is up to them to follow your rules. You cannot argue this point. Everyone has a mind of their own and has to make the right or wrong decision. Our job as parents is to guide them through the muddy waters of life, teach them right from wrong, and pick them up when they fall. They are gonna fall. There is not one perfect child in this world that hasn’t done something they were told not to do. Your basing your logic on the fact that you as a parent were perfect and your children were perfect. Since the rest of us know that isn’t even remotely possible, your making yourself out to look like a douche. The only thing that most of us agree with you on is that the parents could have done a better job of watching that kid.

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One thing I did when my kids were Very Young and I would take them riding is I would lead them out on a ride and then we would get to a point to stop and I would telll them You Lead us back to camp. I would say I am right behind you but lead us back to camp.In my opinion it taught them to look around and see other campers and landmarks etc. I always said if something happened on our ride they would know how too get back to camp. Just a few Years back some friends were camping with us and they just let their daughter ride in a circle around camp.I jumped on the moms dirt bike and said lets go for a ride. we were at JV and only rode to the lakebed no big deal but I stopped told her lead us back. she said I can't. I said yes you can I am right here. we got back she was so excited told her parents were she rode too and led back. They came up and questioned me for doing this I said they got to learn.The rest of the weekend she would ask me if we could go on rides and then lead back. No more circles around camp.

Also yes I have done the same thing as LORD and bought race radio's for people and stuff to get people set up and sometimes Crap still happens that we don't Plan for.I am NOT gonna Judge the parents here as its not my job to do so and Hopefully they learned a lesson. I think emotions are High in this case because all of us know this could easily of gone very Bad and that would Hurt us all.Thank God the Boy was found and returned to His parents. Thank God a GOOD man is who found him. Thank God that all of US as an Off road community came together for even a short time to try to find this little boy.

One thing I did when my kids were Very Young and I would take them riding is I would lead them out on a ride and then we would get to a point to stop and I would telll them You Lead us back to camp. I would say I am right behind you but lead us back to camp.In my opinion it taught them to look around and see other campers and landmarks etc. I always said if something happened on our ride they would know how too get back to camp. Just a few Years back some friends were camping with us and they just let their daughter ride in a circle around camp.I jumped on the moms dirt bike and said lets go for a ride. we were at JV and only rode to the lakebed no big deal but I stopped told her lead us back. she said I can't. I said yes you can I am right here. we got back she was so excited told her parents were she rode too and led back. They came up and questioned me for doing this I said they got to learn.The rest of the weekend she would ask me if we could go on rides and then lead back. No more circles around camp.

Also yes I have done the same thing as LORD and bought race radio's for people and stuff to get people set up and sometimes Crap still happens that we don't Plan for.I am NOT gonna Judge the parents here as its not my job to do so and Hopefully they learned a lesson. I think emotions are High in this case because all of us know this could easily of gone very Bad and that would Hurt us all.Thank God the Boy was found and returned to His parents. Thank God a GOOD man is who found him. Thank God that all of US as an Off road community came together for even a short time to try to find this little boy.

Great way to train the kids Trap. Peace

Just lucky these guys didn’t find him...because that’s what went through my head when I saw this thread... glad he’s safe!


Seems like a giant waste of time when we still need to get to the bottom of DOM vs chromoly before the season starts back up. 
The debate was finally over. You must have missed it. Right before the great GD crash some people scientifically proved the winner. Now the ones that know, know and that ones that don’t, don’t. 

Great way to train the kids Trap. Peace
Agreed. That idea also popped up in my head about 15 years ago with our autistic son. Over and over again every single trip teaching him where all the landmarks were, daytime or night time riding and having him guide us back to camp. Of course there were many failures and a few crashes but I am very proud of what he has achieved and become. And he has been mowing the yard for many years now  🙂  that is a super great payback!





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I did the same with my son. We would get up early and take him for rides before the crazies got up. We would have him lead us to the destination and back to camp. That was when he was 4. Now at 18, he leads the rides at times and if we go out at night, he gets my lost ass back to camp! 
