Missing 5year old in Johnson Valley

According to Sheriff Has NOT been found as of 5:30am

Reports Now that he has been found I am waiting to Confirm

Wow stoked this kid was found. He’s got a crazy story to tell when he gets older. 

Did he just jump on his bike and ride off while nobody was looking?

Wow you mean overnight? 😳 holee smokes. My wife would kill me by morning. One lucky little dude. Would love to hear his story from him. 

Happy ending.. hope the family and child set boundaries and have precautions moving forward... when our teenage girls ride around camp within a few miles, every kid has water, charged phones and tow ropes (which we've taught them to use)... and they're expected to check-in every few hours. Mostly they go to vendor row or something.

All my kids rode with their teenage friends.

More worried about them getting smoked by a large vehicle than anything else.


Wow so glad it turned out that he was found and in okay shape that is so scary, we were out riding with our young grandchildren this week end and when I saw this post it really made me think about the possibilities of one of them getting out of site and lost. Hopefully the family reconsiders boundaries, it can happen so easy. But the happy ending is awesome.

Happy ending.. hope the family and child set boundaries and have precautions moving forward... when our teenage girls ride around camp within a few miles, every kid has water, charged phones and tow ropes (which we've taught them to use)... and they're expected to check-in every few hours. Mostly they go to vendor row or something.

All my kids rode with their teenage friends.

More worried about them getting smoked by a large vehicle than anything else.

my biggest fear.

I can't fathom how the parents felt that long night! Glad the kid is alive and well. Peace

I question the judgement of parents who just let their kid take off by himself. Even if the kid snuck off on his bike, it's their responsibility to keep him safe and they failed. They got very lucky, but that's no excuse.

I'm glad he was found safe and unhurt. I hope they learned something from this.

Very Thankful the kid was found safe..He stayed with His bike which was good.He slept in his Helmet and was found sleeping next too his bike when the man found him. The man asked the kid if he wanted to him to drain fuel out of his bike and put it in the kids bike so they could ride back together and the kids said YES. That didnt happen as they waited for Search and Rescue to arrive.I read the full story the man posted who found the kid and he did mention he had to prepare himself for the chance that when he found the kid it would be NOT good. Thank God that wasnt the case.
