Metal building doors


New member
Jul 31, 2021
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We just ordered a 36x42 metal building to put in place of a horse barn that was on the property when we moved in. It will be a pull thru style with 12x14 doors front and rear.

one side faces the house and my wife really wants a nice looking sectional door to look at, the back will face the road behind our house. Thinking of doing a regular roll up door on the back one and sectional

on the front with opener. Anyone done an rv garage or metal building with this size door they can share? 
many other things we should think about? We are doing 8 windows, 2 man doors, and insulation in walls and roof


Whichever way you go consider going with insulated doors.

Roll ups can be noisy. I didn't realize how loud and annoying an industrial roll up can be till I used the chain operated one at work. If loud noise bothers you, try before you buy.

Roll ups can be noisy. I didn't realize how loud and annoying an industrial roll up can be till I used the chain operated one at work. If loud noise bothers you, try before you buy.
The Roll Up Doors people buy for metal building are junk. They're called Sheet Doors spelled SHIIT DOORS. Don't ever buy one. YES, they're the cheapest door in the industry. You'll find them at every storage facility on the planet. And LOUD! Peace

Good Luck. Sounds like we know the same people. How cool. Peace

Wish we had room for a shuffleboard table! Thats awesome! Peace
Build a RV garage and park the Coach in it , you could have a shuffleboard table and a bowling alley....

It's only money 

Build a RV garage and park the Coach in it , you could have a shuffleboard table and a bowling alley....

It's only money 
Sell the Coach! Totally changes the scope of work. Peace
