Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

Man, where do I start? Camping in Glamis...always after being over served Little Niko would show up and Coob would forget how to speak English and wanna play Mexican polka.

Then there were the clowns who came in our camp and tried stealing our cooler. Coob wanted to fight us for the first dibs to beat the other guys asses.

And who doesnt remember the infamous wash 22 chicken wing night? Fucking coob sang about that for years. Get out of my head!

Then Havasu....lol. We were up all night stupid drunk. Talking loud and cussing. We woke up to an empty spot next to us (moho left) and the people left a roll of toilet paper and Exlax on our steps...we died...."guess we talked too much shit!"

So many other stories...
Damnit, man. Just effin' goddamnit. I know we haven't talked since you were about to take off for back east, and I've been a stranger to most since I got chased off the boards many years ago, but goddamnit. You were always welcome to another one of my beers, even if it meant Mike or Rob was just going to throw you in my pool with it as soon as you finished tapping the keg. Godspeed, bro.
Compound days, Coob was camped up at 22, came down to visit have a "couple" beers, when leaving he says he is gonna baby dune it back to the oldtimers camp, over an hour later here comes Coob walking into the compound, says he wadded up the front end of his buggy, about 1 mile in from wash 6, the search crew goes out looking and damn it took us a bit, cant remember who ended up actually finding it but anyway it all worked out and we got him back to his camp.
And who doesnt remember the infamous wash 22 chicken wing night? Fucking coob sang about that for years. Get out of my head!
THAT was one of the funniest nights Ive ever experienced in Glamis.......Jeanie ended up warning me and coobie to shut up with that song or we were OUT.......well......10 seconds later Coobie and I were thrown out of Boardmanville!!!! ,.......... BUT.....Coobie charm got us back in for another 20 beers and we were at it again!!!!

I am crying laughing just thinking about that nights "events"

Soo sad to think about the reality of what happened - I hope he is in a better place.
Compound days, Coob was camped up at 22, came down to visit have a "couple" beers, when leaving he says he is gonna baby dune it back to the oldtimers camp, over an hour later here comes Coob walking into the compound, says he wadded up the front end of his buggy, about 1 mile in from wash 6, the search crew goes out looking and damn it took us a bit, cant remember who ended up actually finding it but anyway it all worked out and we got him back to his camp.
That was probably my first interaction with Coobie, The Infamous search for his purple buggy that he left a 1/4 mile in at Wash 6 We found it alright it was around Wash 9 avbout a mile in. From that day on I always gave him crap about him and his estimating of measurements.

The time I really got to know him though was later in Wash 22 it was Sndsamplr, Myself, Coobie and his buddy Mike Mazzone. I don't remember much riding, if any but a lot of just sitting around a campfire. I remember Coobie and Mike talking about Coobs latest assignment, Coobie switched into Cops Cop mode talking about his work. I broke into the conversation with I have never done cocaine, but I do know what it smells like. He fired right back with something about how he also knew, something about walking into a bad guy's house that had 100 kilos or something and how he could smell it to. Right about then he realizes what I meant and how the other guys at the campfire also understood what I meant, called me an asshole and switched from Cops cop to just another drunk at the campfire. You only knew he was a cop when he wanted you to know he was, might have been the years of undercover work or just his nature.
Well, shit. I never met the guy, but I feel for his family

For the peeps that are "I just talked to him".

I lost a friend a couple years ago whom I was messaging probably an hour before he hung himself. He was sharing pics of steaks he had on the grill, and other random BS. All was good. We we're both into bbq and He was also a co-worker so we were talking work shit and such. He had some struggles with booze but had been dry for nearly a year. He had recently had a "sober anniversary" and was part of our convo.. As far as I knew his marriage was solid, but he decided ,that day while his wife was out of town visiting family, that was it...

IMO, unless you are around someone day to day, it's tough to get an understanding of their mental state.
Well, shit. I never met the guy, but I feel for his family

For the peeps that are "I just talked to him".

I lost a friend a couple years ago whom I was messaging probably an hour before he hung himself. He was sharing pics of steaks he had on the grill, and other random BS. All was good. We we're both into bbq and He was also a co-worker so we were talking work shit and such. He had some struggles with booze but had been dry for nearly a year. He had recently had a "sober anniversary" and was part of our convo.. As far as I knew his marriage was solid, but he decided ,that day while his wife was out of town visiting family, that was it...

IMO, unless you are around someone day to day, it's tough to get an understanding of their mental state.
I remember a certain member on here one day all freaked out because his cat was sick and wouldn't last too much longer. That was not the reason he was in a state of panic. Seems a few years prior as he sat at the breakfast table as his wife was going over what they were going to do for the day he was planning his demise. As she talked about trips to Home Depot and Grocery store, he was planning out every detail of his impending doom. At the proper time in the conversation, he got up to what she thought was to get dressed for the day she just discussed he was hell bent on doing what he felt had to be done. On his way to the stairs, his cat gets under foot like only a cat can do. As he yelled at the cat, he realized what he was about to do, he also felt if that cat hadn't stopped him he wouldn't have been around to type that post. He had gotten help, he had gotten meds but he was still outright afraid that if the cat was gone, he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

I think everyone knows, Coob made the BEST Sobe bombs. He had all the details down. How close it should be to the coals, how big the cap hole should be, exactly how much gas should be used. He had the formula down pat! (y)

So one night, he's getting one all set up in the fire, and dammit, the glass broke too soon. We are all standing around all sad, and all of a sudden, we hear a girl at the back of the crowd crying. We all turn around, and she's on her knees in the fetal position, holding her hands to her face...

My Eye! My Eye! She is crying out. Speaking for myself, I am FUCKING FREAKING THE FUCK RIGHT OUT!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I couldn't tell who it was, but I'm thinking, we are a LONG way from a hospital at Wash 22, WTF are we gonna do???? This poor girl has glass in her eye? Holy shit this is gonna be BAD!!!!

I think Coob went over to her to see what he could do, and this fucking asshole bitch looks up and says...

NAW, Just Kidding!!!!!! And starts laughing her stupid head off.

NOBODY thought it was funny but her, as she strolled off to where the fuck ever she came from. She was not part of the 22 crew.

FUCK YOU BITCH, where ever you are. That shit wasn't funny at all. :mad::mad::mad:


But really need to add, gentleman that he is, Coob took the whole thing in stride. 👍🏼
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He changed our life. It changed our home here in Grapevine, TX. My wife and I are having a very hard time dealing with this. The cuss words coming out of our mouth's is not good. And my wife doesn't cuss. The Anger / The Tears / The Pain.............It's very Real. We're so pissed off right now. Our Prayers are directed at Hunter. Can't imagine how he is doing today. The Good Book says to Celebrate One's Life. How do we celebrate Coobie Today? I'll tell some stories when I get beyond the Pain. Still PISSED off. Peace
I don't know where to start, how do you wrap up a 20 year long friendship in a paragraph? Matt was a very special person who was passionate about everything he did. Our lives will continue on but never be the same. may you rest easy now brother, God has you now...
Reading the post on here and FB...from people I know and trust, who knew Coob and spent time with him. We're all saying the same thing...WE JUST TALKED TO HIM!!! I knew he was in a bad place but we talked, we made plans. We stayed in touch over it.

So many of us tried and were good friends. The outcome was still bad. What the fuck do you do?
YOu did all you can do. You were a good friend, when someone has this mindset they are bound and determined and there's no changing their mind. I have a friend who has been battling this for a couple years. He went down the neck of a beer bottle for a long time, and I knew I would get a call he was gone. Finally something switched in his brain, all of a sudden he decided to go to church (hasn't been in 25 years), joined a mens club and started coming around with a little more sense. When my phone rings I always get scared this is the call. I put him in rehab 2 times over the years when he was younger. The mind is an powerful thing and I can see where someone could think this is the only way out.
You guys who knew him, were friends to him, just never forget the guy! seemed like a really good dude.
Matt helped me out back in 07 with some law enforcement crap we were dealing with, great guy. Rip Brother