Looking for input: Sand Blaster 33-15 standard or Pro?

Oldie McWighead

New member
Sep 14, 2021
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Is there a general consensus on which Sand Blaster 33-15 to run (standard or Pro) on a car like mine? It's a 4-seat Desert Rat (sorta knockoff Desert Dynamics), 6.0L LS w/ 375hp to the wheels, Mendeola 2D.

My original paddles are super worn so it makes comparing to new difficult. They are marked as Sand Blaster Pro 33-15.

Thank you for your input.

Couple pictures of car for reference.

- Danny


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IMG_0041.jpeghad a set of standard blaster 33's on a 1 5/8 dd car and they sucked. hp wasis aorund 450ish and the car has a fields race auto in it. all the standard 33's do is spin. swapped out to the 33 pro's (on 17" wheels) and traction is much better but still not enough for how much these cars weigh really. tried a set of the dunesport 14.50-17 "funco"tires off greasmonkeys car one trip and those were awesome on the car.IMG_5085.jpeg
With the 2d I would run the regular Blaster #2 cut. The #2 on the Pro is the same size scoop as on the 17” Blaster. The Pro #1 is the same height scoop as the regular #2. The Pro Blasters has a thicker base at the scoop which has less flex then the regular Blaster.
Of course, two different opinions!

Honestly I think these new standard 33-15 Blasters w/ #2 cut are significantly taller/beefier than the old Pros that I just had on it due to how worn they were, and I had no complaints (of course, who knows what I am missing).

So a little more to the story is I got new paddles done locally but the shop bought and mounted non-Pros. So now they are mounted and done and I'm just trying to decide if I leave well enough alone or demand that he gets Pros and change them out. He did take responsibility for the error and said he'd change them out if I want.

Hmmm...hate decisions like this!

Thanks again, keep hitting me with your own experiences!

- Danny
With the 2d I would run the regular Blaster #2 cut. The #2 on the Pro is the same size scoop as on the 17” Blaster. The Pro #1 is the same height scoop as the regular #2. The Pro Blasters has a thicker base at the scoop which has less flex then the regular Blaster.
Always big thanks for Cali Kid looking out for his old car! She's still working well. Just had the 2D rebuilt at Dave Folts, fresh shock rebuild, etc. I was a bit behind on things!!
Another thought I just had for perhaps leaning towards the standards is for ride quality... if I want to run a lower air pressure to gain a bit of compliance in the chop, perhaps the less aggressive standard is a better choice so as to not create as much strain on the 2D drivetrain. Vs. with the Pros that are already grabbier, running a lower pressure would put even more strain.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.
I would run the #1's with that power.
Pro's have a taller paddle with a thicker base, less give.