Looking for Boxer puppy

Of we can make something work im game. @Big_Daddy_Jp is only 15-20 min from me. This coming week is my most insane work week of the year. Every flight school and plane owner will be begging me to fix all their last minute bs before i take my one and only week vacation for the year.  

Ya bro I am down to help work with you. I am pretty screwed as for driving that far. Next week is pretty busy and then I’m also on call so I can’t go far from home. Let’s put our heads together and come up with something!
I will be going to Escondido to pick something up. Are you guys still interested? I can bring the boys down with me. My number is up above. I’ll try to check back here though. 

I will be going to Escondido to pick something up. Are you guys still interested? I can bring the boys down with me. My number is up above. I’ll try to check back here though. 
I appreciate the offer but I will have to pass. One of the main reasons I haven’t had another dog in years is because of the two that passed away at an early age. I hope you the best and by no means am I saying your dogs won’t live a full and happy life. The Parvo deal just spooks me.

I appreciate the offer but I will have to pass. One of the main reasons I haven’t had another dog in years is because of the two that passed away at an early age. I hope you the best and by no means am I saying your dogs won’t live a full and happy life. The Parvo deal just spooks me.
Antibiotics and Pedialyte can save a pup if they get parvo. I've done it about 2 dozen times and only lost 1 but she drowned because she didn't have the strength to lift her head out of her water dish otherwise I think she would have made it too

Have a friend in Queen creek AZ looking to rehome some 1 year old pups she just rescued.  Free to a good home.  Boxer/lab/golden mix

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Antibiotics and Pedialyte can save a pup if they get parvo. I've done it about 2 dozen times and only lost 1 but she drowned because she didn't have the strength to lift her head out of her water dish otherwise I think she would have made it too
I’m not too keen about the disease I just know it can be fatal. Glad to hear it can be fixed easily if caught in time.

Have a friend in Queen creek AZ looking to rehome some 1 year old pups she just rescued.  Free to a good home.  Boxer/lab/golden mix
Thanks for the heads up. We are looking for a pure boxer. Mixes do tend to live longer though!
