liability and "no fault" in the dunes

We can go back and forth all day where you state your opinion, give examples and conjecture with your general knowledge of law and case law, or you can listen to the people who actually do this for a living. 

Wanting to assign fault and legislate every minutiae if your life is what has screwed up California and allowed everyone to stop taking personal responsibility in the first place. In kindergarten, I was taught that life isn’t fair. You win some and you lose some. But either way, be the bigger person, take responsibility for your actions and turn the other cheek. The government can’t make enough laws to instill those values in people, so if you value the remaining freedoms you do have, I suggest you quit asking for more laws and trying to hold every single wrong doer accountable. 
I will respectfully disagree with some of this, if someone runs over my kid while we're out putting around in the small dunes  because he's driving like an bhole he's going to be held accountable one way or another... if the state won't then I damn sure will. It gets to the point of "an eye for an eye". Otherwise we're just a lawless society. What you're suggesting is what absolutely creates the complete lack of accountability. The laws are actually more for the people with a lack of values IMO.


I AM the one arguing that people should be held accountable for their actions, YOU are the one saying people can go out to Glamis, hit another vehicle and not be accountable for it! How TF do you think you can reverse positions??

What a bunch of gibberish. No sense in any further discussion if you're going to try to revise history and spin some sort of BS.
You’re suffering from reading competition issues apparently. 

I will respectfully disagree with some of this, if someone runs over my kid while we're out putting around in the small dunes  because he's driving like an bhole he's going to be held accountable one way or another... if the state won't then I damn sure will. It gets to the point of "an eye for an eye". Otherwise we're just a lawless society. What you're suggesting is what absolutely creates the complete lack of accountability. The laws are actually more for the people with a lack of values IMO.
Yes, that’s negligence and something I covered in a previous post. Not the one you quoted.

I met or have known many dudes who MOWED people in their rails. One dude had an LS VW Buggy (basically a sand car with a VW beetle body).. he mowed someone at the drags .. severed off their leg.. had 'meat' under his cage.. didn't even take his info.. same with another guy mowing a quad with his X5.. now mind you this is 15 years ago.

Personally, I like to drive FAST.. so I just tone it down if I'm near crowds... and try to get out my ADHD in the bare open dunes... run in a line of 3-6 vehicles, use hand signals or coms.. last thing I want is to mow someone.

