Lets talk 930 Stub Axles


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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What is everyone's opinion on the best brand of stub axles. Had a catastrophic failure this weekend and had to be towed out with the snow cat.

I am trying to replace all the old parts on the car. I figured while I am putting new axles in, I should replace the stub axles as well. They are over 20 years old.

Car is SU Sand Pro 1 with a stock Honda 3.5 and 2D.

What is everyone's brand preference and experience with certain brands?

type 1 style or micro stub?

if type 1, i still swear by finding the old OG german ones. you will need to have the cups machined and 930 flanges welded on but they bend before they snap. i ran them for 4 years pretty damn hard and never had an issue. switched to micro stubs when i built new arms to get rid of the worry and work if one ever did go. 

I just replaced mine because one broke after 14 years of abuse.

I went with the German ones.



Sorry I should have Clarified, I have 930 Micro Stubs. Not sure of the spline count though. I should know later.

in that case, id just take them out and inspect them. if the splines arent twisting and they pass a mag test from a machine shop. are your unit bearings the ones where they come apart if there is no stub axle in them? 

in that case, id just take them out and inspect them. if the splines arent twisting and they pass a mag test from a machine shop. are your unit bearings the ones where they come apart if there is no stub axle in them? 
These are actually a sealed hub.
