Let's Clear the Air.

NOAZ longshot

Apr 26, 2022
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Who doesn't want to breathe clean air?  Right?  or  Left?    Before you read this let me be clear, I live off grid.  I make my own electricity 100% and it is a challenge... daily.

The Climate Change Alarmists want everyone to think that the world will end in 12 years if we don't do away with fossil fuels right now.  If you deny their claims you are a Climate Change Denier or a Terrorist worse than the Taliban.

So let's play a game.  Ask the Greenies these three questions:

Question #1

Is the US 100% ready to throw the switch and power everything with clean electricity?  I mean right now today....anyone?  Of course not.  There is no infrastructure to support everyone driving electric vehicles; not enough electricity to start with.  No electric Semi trucks to move good to market, no electric airplane or trains to move people, etc.   We are just not ready to start today or tomorrow; it will take years to get the technology even close to where we can consider 100% green energy on a large scale.  The alarmists have to at least acknowledge this simple fact.

Question #2

How long will it take to get green ready?   Who knows...but, we are heading in the right direction...maybe not fast enough for the "12 year" crowd, but there are still some huge barriers to overcome that we have no answers for.  Such as; currently, it would take solar panels to completely cover Texas, Arizona, California and Nevada to produce enough electricity to power the US grid.  But that only works if the Sun is shinning...no clouds, rain and no night.  There is simply no way to store enough solar power to light up Las Vegas, let alone the rest of the country.  Electric vehicles take too long to charge; unless you only commute back and forth to work, electric vehicles do not make good road trip vehicles.  These and many other technological barriers still stand in our way.  So let's be extremely optimistic and say 5 years.  "In 5 years we will have overcome all the barriers to green energy"

Question #3

If it will take 5 years and that is a huge "IF".  Wouldn't it be better for the planet if the country with the highest clean air emission standards be producing the worlds fossil fuel energy for the next 5 years?  If you agree that 5 years is the goal then why have China, India or Russia produce the fossil fuel energy for those 5 years.  Those countries have none or almost no clean air standards.  The fact is that since the 1974 Clean Air Act, the United States has been the world leader in reducing harmful emissions.  Let me put it this way, Harvard University concluded that even if the US went carbon neutral tomorrow, we would reduce greenhouse gasses by less than 2% globally.  The US is not the problem, we are the clean Fossil Fuel solution until the technology is renewable ready.

So face the facts Greenies, In order to get to 100% renewable energy sooner and cleaner, "Right" now, the United States needs to be the world leader in Fossil Fuel production while we work to make renewable energy a viable alternative.

My Two Cents, thanks for reading.

Heard it said once that United States and Europe are the air cleaners for the world.

Climate talk is just political hot air.

 I worked for zero VOC commercial printer in Los Angeles that was literally cleaning the air in LA. Our waste water was filtered and cleaned. We did every step to make it the cleanest printer on the planet in a business know for polution. 

Zero govt support , very little corporate support, just hot air and babble that no one would pay for. 

That facility has closed and the millions spent to create it are down the drain. 

it's ALL BS

Big oil and big energy WILL NOT let this happen until they have found a way to capitalize on it.  

Couple things if I was king...

- All houses and buildings should be built with solar roofs.  No more wind energy.  It's destructive and ugly.  Possibly go back to nuclear power.
- No more hybrid/electric car bullsh*t.  Hydrogen cell technology only.  AND....it must be water in as fuel or...convince me the straight hydrogen gas can be produced and sold well below what we are selling gas.  If you have been paying attention...Saudi Arabia is building the largest hydrogen gas production plant in the world.  Why???  Oh....so they can sell that after the oil runs out or their big markets quit buying it due to "climate change"

- Is hydrogen gas safe for home use?  What is its output?
- No more city/state/Fed planned or maintained landscaping.  It's either native vegetation or rock.  Over 60% of the water going to Los Angeles is for irrigation!

Big oil and big energy WILL NOT let this happen until they have found a way to capitalize on it.  

Couple things if I was king...

- All houses and buildings should be built with solar roofs.  No more wind energy.  It's destructive and ugly.  Possibly go back to nuclear power.
- No more hybrid/electric car bullsh*t.  Hydrogen cell technology only.  AND....it must be water in as fuel or...convince me the straight hydrogen gas can be produced and sold well below what we are selling gas.  If you have been paying attention...Saudi Arabia is building the largest hydrogen gas production plant in the world.  Why???  Oh....so they can sell that after the oil runs out or their big markets quit buying it due to "climate change"

- Is hydrogen gas safe for home use?  What is its output?
- No more city/state/Fed planned or maintained landscaping.  It's either native vegetation or rock.  Over 60% of the water going to Los Angeles is for irrigation!
I agree with you on eveything, crazy.

Bill Gates is trying to build a smaller Nuclear Pant in Wyoming (I think).  These would be smaller units that don't need so much cooling and such.  In my mind similar to what is in a Aircraft carrier.  I will see if I can find it and share.  FYI, every one wants clean air, electric cars are not the answer long term.

Bill Gates' TerraPower to build its first nuclear reactor in Wyoming coal town (cnbc.com)

I've worked in the Oil, Gas & Chemical industries for over 33 years, we do it the safest, cleanest and most efficient in the world....everything you are in close contact with while reading this....Oil was involved in making it happen.....we (just the US) have hundreds of years of resources and that's just with the technology today.....the same people bitching about the cost of gas are usually sipping a Starbucks....how much for a gallon of Starbucks coffee that is 97% water folks!!? 

We absolutely should utilize cleaner resources for energy....but do it with common sense....the world doesn't run on Unicorn Piss and Fairy Farts!  

I agree with you on eveything, crazy.

Bill Gates is trying to build a smaller Nuclear Pant in Wyoming (I think).  These would be smaller units that don't need so much cooling and such.  In my mind similar to what is in a Aircraft carrier.  I will see if I can find it and share.  FYI, every one wants clean air, electric cars are not the answer long term.

Bill Gates' TerraPower to build its first nuclear reactor in Wyoming coal town (cnbc.com)
It's generally soul crushing for most when you have to admit you agree with me after all the years of jackassery.... :lol:

I'd skip your questions since none of this is really about clean energy anyway. No sane person honestly believe the 12 year (or whatever number of years it'll change to in 12 years) BS anyway.

This is and has always been a device to get more of your hard earned money and more of my hard earned money, plain and simple.

Solar and battery operated vehicles of today are going to be horse and buggy technology in the next 10 years.

There's all kinds of technology coming down the pipe including 100-year batteries.

Here is a story I read this morning: https://www.foxbusiness.com/energy/electric-grid-operators-warn-of-potential-summer-blackouts

The green push is a scam that will eventually come crashing down and we will all pay the price! 

I have so much to say about this but it would take a long essay to point out how eff'd up this scam is.

BTW... I worked at a coal plant for several years and am not a huge fan of coal fired generation even though it is a cheap and reliable base load energy supply. Nuclear is the best alternative IMO.

But forcing the change will not work. Whenever the government forces change like this, it ends up being inefficient, costly, and most likely will fail. But a handful of people will walk away with full pockets. 

Sacramento needs to have a Bikini Atoll type fireworks displays this year on the 4th of July....

Aren’t we on year 4 of the 12 year world extinction clock the greenies and AOC were preaching when Trump was in office. 

So we only have 8 years until the earth implodes. 

Who doesn't want to breathe clean air?  Right?  or  Left?    Before you read this let me be clear, I live off grid.  I make my own electricity 100% and it is a challenge... daily.

The Climate Change Alarmists want everyone to think that the world will end in 12 years if we don't do away with fossil fuels right now.  If you deny their claims you are a Climate Change Denier or a Terrorist worse than the Taliban.

So let's play a game.  Ask the Greenies these three questions:

Question #1

Is the US 100% ready to throw the switch and power everything with clean electricity?  I mean right now today....anyone?  Of course not.  There is no infrastructure to support everyone driving electric vehicles; not enough electricity to start with.  No electric Semi trucks to move good to market, no electric airplane or trains to move people, etc.   We are just not ready to start today or tomorrow; it will take years to get the technology even close to where we can consider 100% green energy on a large scale.  The alarmists have to at least acknowledge this simple fact.

Question #2

How long will it take to get green ready?   Who knows...but, we are heading in the right direction...maybe not fast enough for the "12 year" crowd, but there are still some huge barriers to overcome that we have no answers for.  Such as; currently, it would take solar panels to completely cover Texas, Arizona, California and Nevada to produce enough electricity to power the US grid.  But that only works if the Sun is shinning...no clouds, rain and no night.  There is simply no way to store enough solar power to light up Las Vegas, let alone the rest of the country.  Electric vehicles take too long to charge; unless you only commute back and forth to work, electric vehicles do not make good road trip vehicles.  These and many other technological barriers still stand in our way.  So let's be extremely optimistic and say 5 years.  "In 5 years we will have overcome all the barriers to green energy"

Question #3

If it will take 5 years and that is a huge "IF".  Wouldn't it be better for the planet if the country with the highest clean air emission standards be producing the worlds fossil fuel energy for the next 5 years?  If you agree that 5 years is the goal then why have China, India or Russia produce the fossil fuel energy for those 5 years.  Those countries have none or almost no clean air standards.  The fact is that since the 1974 Clean Air Act, the United States has been the world leader in reducing harmful emissions.  Let me put it this way, Harvard University concluded that even if the US went carbon neutral tomorrow, we would reduce greenhouse gasses by less than 2% globally.  The US is not the problem, we are the clean Fossil Fuel solution until the technology is renewable ready.

So face the facts Greenies, In order to get to 100% renewable energy sooner and cleaner, "Right" now, the United States needs to be the world leader in Fossil Fuel production while we work to make renewable energy a viable alternative.

My Two Cents, thanks for reading.
The part I focused on was your sentence about making electricity is a daily challenge. I'm wondering why. Do you need more panels, more batteries or both?

As for the rest of your post, I agree with your stance about the climate alarmists. I do want clean air, like you said, we all do.

We currently have the technology to achieve all of our goals as soon as they can get implemented. We can install huge battery banks to store solar energy during the day and time shift it to overnight and balance peak loads nearly instantly. LFTR nuclear reactors are ultra safe - they don't go super critical like current light water reactors. They consume nuclear waste as fuel, are not pressurized and will shut down if not actively kept running by an operator. We also have mini and micro reactor plans, like the mini one Elon Musk designed that fits in 2 semi trailers and can be setup by 4 men in 2 days. The micro reactor can fit in a shed and power a few blocks of houses, again, a safer design than current reactors.

There's a company already turning green waste into gas, diesel, jet fuel and kerosene that burns cleaner than "fossil fuels" and can be used with no mods to current cars, trucks and planes. We just need the gov't to help fund more processing plants in cities across the country. This will also drastically cut down on landfill loads.

The other part the climate alarmists don't take into account is that the earth is a self balancing system. As CO2 levels rise, the forests automatically go "greener", they grow more trees, more leaves with no outside intervention. A lot of the climate change that we're seeing now is massive releases of methane from melting permafrost in northern Canada and Siberia. Methane is 20x worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, the release from the permafrost is a self perpetuating cycle started once we hit current temps.

If a large portion of the world was off the grid like you, we would make a huge dent in the need for electricity from the grid. Large cities and factories would still need grid power, but those are highly concentrated power users, not suburban or rural residential consumers. With enough solar panels and battery banks, people could charge their own EVs at home overnight.

Elon Musk once calculated that a solar farm 100 mi by 100 mi would be enough to power the entire US. To reduce distribution issues, I prefer rooftop solar or smaller solar farms near the suburbs.

The part I focused on was your sentence about making electricity is a daily challenge. I'm wondering why. Do you need more panels, more batteries or both?
I guess "Challenge" is not the correct word.  It is a daily "process".  We have plenty of panels and batteries, but we cant just turn everything on without thought of where the electricity comes from. the way most people do.  We have panels facing East, South and West to gather every minute of daylight.  Most days we are fully charged by 9AM.  

We balance the open windows for cooling depending on the wind direction, then when it gets too hot for that, we turn on the A/C; we watch the battery levels to make sure you have enough for the overnight.  Use the daytime to charge small devices and lights for reading etc.   This time of year is much easier with the longer days and more power input to the batteries.  

Winter time with much shorter days we use more rechargeable batteries in table lamps instead of the switch on the wall.  But, thankfully there is no need for A/C.  It is a different lifestyle and one that my wife and I embrace.  We don't have brown outs or complete outages.  In the past two years we only had a low battery system cutoff once at about 4am, (we were just learning what we could do and how late we could stay up binge watching the latest series.)  We also have a standby generator now incase the battery levels drop to that point again.

Then there is the water level checks and occasional equalizing process.  We also found that cold batteries don't keep a charge as well as warm, so we insulated the solar barn.  Even without a heat source, the barn is now 5 to 10 degrees warmer than outside.   "Process" much better word.

PS.  we have thought about installing a small wind turbine to give some nigh time supplement.  Because we live on top of a mountain at just over 6000 feet we almost always have some wind.



There's a company already turning green waste into gas, diesel, jet fuel and kerosene that burns cleaner than "fossil fuels" and can be used with no mods to current cars, trucks and planes. We just need the gov't to help fund more processing plants in cities across the country. This will also drastically cut down on landfill loads.
Have you burned the new bio diesel on your truck yet? I have and it completely effin SUCKS! I saw a 3.5mpg drop using that chit fuel.

I guess "Challenge" is not the correct word.  It is a daily "process".  We have plenty of panels and batteries, but we cant just turn everything on without thought of where the electricity comes from. the way most people do.  We have panels facing East, South and West to gather every minute of daylight.  Most days we are fully charged by 9AM.  

We balance the open windows for cooling depending on the wind direction, then when it gets too hot for that, we turn on the A/C; we watch the battery levels to make sure you have enough for the overnight.  Use the daytime to charge small devices and lights for reading etc.   This time of year is much easier with the longer days and more power input to the batteries.  

Winter time with much shorter days we use more rechargeable batteries in table lamps instead of the switch on the wall.  But, thankfully there is no need for A/C.  It is a different lifestyle and one that my wife and I embrace.  We don't have brown outs or complete outages.  In the past two years we only had a low battery system cutoff once at about 4am, (we were just learning what we could do and how late we could stay up binge watching the latest series.)  We also have a standby generator now incase the battery levels drop to that point again.

Then there is the water level checks and occasional equalizing process.  We also found that cold batteries don't keep a charge as well as warm, so we insulated the solar barn.  Even without a heat source, the barn is now 5 to 10 degrees warmer than outside.   "Process" much better word.

PS.  we have thought about installing a small wind turbine to give some nigh time supplement.  Because we live on top of a mountain at just over 6000 feet we almost always have some wind.

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Ah. I see what's going on. While that's quite a few 6v batteries, the total usable power is only half, which is 880Ah, or 10.5 Kwh. When you factor in the 20% power loss from lead acid batteries, you only have about 8 Kwh of power per night. The fact that you're fully charged by 9 am indicates you have plenty of solar, but the battery bank is too small.

I'm just trying to help here, so please don't take offense. I'm single and I've calculated my overnight loads with 2 fridges, 1 chest freezer and mini split A/C would be about 10 Kwh min. So I sized my LiFePo4 battery bank at 30 Kwh, and if only discharging the pack to 20%, thats 24 Kwh usable, a comfortable buffer. The less you discharge a battery daily, the longer it lasts. The same with both of my trailers - they have 20 Kwh battery banks and I don't expect to use over 50% of that with mini splits in the summer.

You could add inexpensive LiFePo4 batteries in a 2nd bank and use a dual battery charging device to keep both banks isolated, wire one bank to the inverter and the other bank to 12v loads. Once you get beyond a certain power level (under or over 10 Kwh, IMHO) it's best to use a 24v or 48v battery bank. I've setup both trailers with 24 V and the house bank is planned out as a 48 V system. As you approach 4 yrs on the 6v batteries, they'll be approaching the end of their useful life. That's why I suggested buying a few LFP batteries now, you can add more later when the lead acid batteries die. This spreads the cost out over time.  

I also noticed you're using high voltage cables from an EV. Those were designed to provide power up around 400 - 500v DC, not 12v like you're using them for. If you use an IR temp gun on the terminals under heavy loads, it will tell you if your battery cables are undersized. If you're drawing a heavy load, it's best to use 2/0 or possibly even 4/0 cable, and as short as possible to the inverter, which is probably your highest single load. If the battery terminals are getting a lot warmer than room temp, then you need thicker battery cables.

Are you using a BMS to measure exact state of charge? I'd recommend the Victron smartshunt for $130. They make 500A, 1,000A, etc. versions. Super accurate once it's setup properly for the battery type.

Another thing that 99% of people don't understand is current flow when charging and discharging batteries. This is more critical with LFP batteries, but it could help you get equal life out of all 8 batteries, which could make your battery bank last a lot longer.

A lot of pics of battery bank wiring looks exactly like yours. I've even seen $10,000 worth of Battle Born batteries wired like that. The better way is to wire all 4 sets of your batteries to a bus bar with equal length cables, then connect the main battery bank cables to the bus bars. The way it's wired now, the batteries on the left and right get charged/discharged first and the most, the 2 inside batteries get less usage and less power. In this video, the guy wired up 5 LFP batteries like yours and the BMSs on his showed the 1st battery was 100% charged, the 2nd battery was about 92%, the 3rd was about 84%, the 4th was 78% and the last battery was only 70%. So while one would think that all 5 batteries were fully charged after the charger shut off, there was a total of about 76% of one battery less than fully charged, or the entire bank was essentially charged to only 85%, quite a bit of power was not charged into the batteries because the first one indicated full, so the charger shut off. While he's using different batteries, the same principal still applies to yours to a lesser extent. Hope this info helps!

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