LeBron James lawsuit…. Is This True?

If I was him, I'd disappear! Let Attorney's pound! Peace

Even now, after the not guilty verdict, you can still turn on certain networks and hear people call him a "murderer" and a "white supremacist". It's unbelievable.
Groups of commie students at ASU are going nuts about the possibility of him attending there in person

Groups of commie students at ASU are going nuts about the possibility of him attending there in person
Amazing how a Commie/Socialist stundent group can have that kind of leverage on another free American student..the level of nonsense keeps climbing. 

Amazing how a Commie/Socialist stundent group can have that kind of leverage on another free American student..the level of nonsense keeps climbing. 
Guess several other groups are taking Kyle's side. They are saying they don't really want Kyle to attend there but understand that this is a fight that needs to be fought. If such a tiny minority can get this kind of change the majority has lost all future fights.

We shall see.
