LeBron James lawsuit…. Is This True?

After a quick internet glance, I would say no.

IMO, He has bigger fish to fry or start to fry first. 

After a quick internet glance, I would say no.

IMO, He has bigger fish to fry or start to fry first. 
He's not actually doing the frying, he probably has a long line of lawyers just dying to file lawsuits for him, so he could sue the whole lying media and every libtard who ever defamed him simultaneously and his swarm of lawyers will take care of the fish frying.

I say fry them all. It's about time the libtards find out just how painful stupidity should really be. If they want to spread lies, let them them go broke over it.

Got to add Whoopi and that other dumb ass from the show.

These people that like to be out spoken and run their mouths need to be held to some sort of accountability. 

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The kid withdrew from ASU's online program. I have a feeling he is going to change his name, grow a mustache, color his hair and fade into the background.
