Lance (Dunehoon) - anyone set up an appt or had any contact with him recently?

Some issue is the customer just does not listen to him, they try to bully there way on the conversation, For example he had a customer with a crossed threaded balancer bolt with a balancer that needed replacing, he spent hours trying to fix it, and told the customer that it needed fixing, and the customer just kept on trying to have Lance fix it.  Lance told him that it needed fixing and he does not have the time to mess with it,  but the customer just kept on trying to get him to fix it,  so then Lance just turned him self off to him, 

If you are looking to have your hand held and need more than tuning,  then yes most likely he will just shut down on you,   If your car is pretty close to being tuned then I am pretty sure it will have no issue,  

Lance will also blow you off if you feel like his time is being waisted,  couple examples,  calling for information over and over again and not being a customer, he get crazy amounts of emails and DM's.  There are some Engine Builders that he will not tune, So if you have a motor with a builder that he has constant issues with, than it might be a no go, 

He is one of the only tuners that will pull plugs and look at them with a plug scope, he checks omh's on the wires, and will look at base timing with a timing gun,  

Lance does not really need the money from Tuning, this is not his primary buisness, and does it because he like sand cars,  The cars that i have seen that sit at the shop the longest are hard to get parts or Wiring issues, if a car has major wiring issues, it pretty much best to pick it up and get it figured out,  

He has always responded to my DM's, might not be right away, but always a response,  
Well said Alper to the t. I met the guy for the first time last year right before veterans day and he booked the whole day for me to tune my new set up motor and computer.. he absolutely pulled the plugs and found some not so good after my 1 trip break in and on top of that fixed a minorl fan relay wire issue.. tuned the car for 8rs and I was off... come to find out in the dunes I was having another issue with the car cutting off. He told me to bring it back and went through some basic stuff fixed a fuel relay and it's been a Effin beast. He goes above and beyond what other big tuners would do for most customers. Give the guy a break he has tons of people in line that understand he's a 1 man show cause he takes pride in his tuning.. not only that he offered to drive all the way to the dunes to tune the car out there if need be and the car was acting funny.. wtf does that.. outstanding customer service lance 

Like @Lambro says, I wouldn't take my car anywhere else either.

I think the biggest thing here people may or may not understand is that like others here have said, his tuning operation is NOT his primary business. He does not have employees working for him here and is truly a one man show aside from Rachell. He does it because he likes tuning cars. (all kinds of cars). The amount of people that use him in Socal for tuning is pretty ridiculous considering its not an advertised business of any kind and is mainly word of mouth from what I've seen. Based on the amount of people he gets scheduling tuning should speak volumes for the work he does and his knowledge of tuning cars.

If you want it to be quick then take the time needed to work out all the bugs before you show up. If it isn't right he wont tune it. Get it right before showing up or your car will be there sitting or getting bugs worked out till it is.
