Lance (Dunehoon) - anyone set up an appt or had any contact with him recently?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I have three phone numbers and I have tried to call/text/dm on ig, but no response.  I heard he was in Mexico with a race team, but that was a couple weeks ago..........I really need to get ahold of him.

Yes he was in Mexico helping with a race team.  Dunno if he has made it back but do know he was extremely busy the last we spoke a month or so ago before holly LS fest.

I'm sure he will get back to ya, he gets a ton of DM's daily.  Have you emailed the office manager (Rachel)?

He is back.  Email or text the office manager(Rachel)

Finally heard back from Rachel.  She promised that Lance would contact me but nothing yet.

DM him on Instagram is the Easiest way, 

DM him on Instagram is the Easiest way, 
Jason, I've already spoken to you about this saga and he (Lance) is not responding to dm, txt, cell, etc.  Rachel did finally get back to me with somewhat of an update.  My car has been there for four months; I don't think a call back is asking too much.

I had the same problem with him. I just showed up to get the car after 4 months and it wasn’t even done

I got the same treatment from him as well. Got the run around from Rachel for a month also.  Finally had to show up so he would tune my car. 

This has been a common time frame issue with him. This is what I can say in his defense. He goes through everything, and I mean everything. There isn’t a rock unturned when he is done tuning. On the other hand, you can take it to other big name tuners from this board like I did. Make a 9:00 am appointment, deliver it and wait. Car will make it on the Dyno around 2:30, strapped down and ready by 3:00. Get 5 pulls on it, some generic tune stuffed in, and sent on your way after paying the bill. Wont run much better than before you brought it in but you can at least say it was tuned by “X”!!! 

Lance did my car around Christmas, made a appointment and brought the car down. Pulled the car off the trailer and the power steering line blows. Oil all over the place, on the car on the concrete a real f'n mess. Lance, who I just met, comes right out with a pump sprayer of simple green and the hose. He helps me, he did most of the work, clean the entire car back to being spotless new. Says to me no problem, the guy over there makes hoses lets go see what he can go. 45 min later I have a new hose on the car and Lance is filling my tank with his power steering oil. We get the car on the dyno, now about 2 hours late, and he starts to check everything over. The brand new O2 sensor I have isn't reading so he pulls out a new one swaps them out and we are back to it. About 30 min later we start to run the car and as soon as it gets hot he notices a pin hole in the cooling line. Car comes off the dyno, we push it outside and he gets it all apart. Lance walks the waterline to his other neighbor and the guy welds it up, no charge. Lance pulls out some black paint and touches it up before getting it back on the car and filling it up with his coolant. His parents pull up and have lunch for the both of us, this is the first time I met the guy. We finish lunch and get the car back on the dyno, making great progress and coolant starts to peculate out of a head stud. Its getting late so we decide to get back on the next day. The next day Lance pulls the stud and seals it up, we wait an hour or so and its back to tuning. Things are coming along and he realizes we are out of injector, rather than finish the tune at less that the cars potential he calls Alper and has a set of bigger injectors Fedex out the next day. Lance had a trip planned and offered to store the car in his shop and work on it when he got back. Fast forward 2 weeks Lance installs the injectors and finishes up the tune. When I ask what I owe him I was in disbelief with how fair he was. I tied up his dyno for 3 days and he spent 10-12 hours of his time fixing things that weren't his responsibility. If your car isn't right he's not going to tune it until it is. He has other commitments so if you bring him a project don't expect it to push back his other commitments. If you want to avoid delays have your Crap together before you show up. There isn't any question who I'd use in the future, I'll deal with some communication issues to have the service Lance provides. 

Lance did my car around Christmas, made a appointment and brought the car down. Pulled the car off the trailer and the power steering line blows. Oil all over the place, on the car on the concrete a real f'n mess. Lance, who I just met, comes right out with a pump sprayer of simple green and the hose. He helps me, he did most of the work, clean the entire car back to being spotless new. Says to me no problem, the guy over there makes hoses lets go see what he can go. 45 min later I have a new hose on the car and Lance is filling my tank with his power steering oil. We get the car on the dyno, now about 2 hours late, and he starts to check everything over. The brand new O2 sensor I have isn't reading so he pulls out a new one swaps them out and we are back to it. About 30 min later we start to run the car and as soon as it gets hot he notices a pin hole in the cooling line. Car comes off the dyno, we push it outside and he gets it all apart. Lance walks the waterline to his other neighbor and the guy welds it up, no charge. Lance pulls out some black paint and touches it up before getting it back on the car and filling it up with his coolant. His parents pull up and have lunch for the both of us, this is the first time I met the guy. We finish lunch and get the car back on the dyno, making great progress and coolant starts to peculate out of a head stud. Its getting late so we decide to get back on the next day. The next day Lance pulls the stud and seals it up, we wait an hour or so and its back to tuning. Things are coming along and he realizes we are out of injector, rather than finish the tune at less that the cars potential he calls Alper and has a set of bigger injectors Fedex out the next day. Lance had a trip planned and offered to store the car in his shop and work on it when he got back. Fast forward 2 weeks Lance installs the injectors and finishes up the tune. When I ask what I owe him I was in disbelief with how fair he was. I tied up his dyno for 3 days and he spent 10-12 hours of his time fixing things that weren't his responsibility. If your car isn't right he's not going to tune it until it is. He has other commitments so if you bring him a project don't expect it to push back his other commitments. If you want to avoid delays have your Crap together before you show up. There isn't any question who I'd use in the future, I'll deal with some communication issues to have the service Lance provides. 
That is also the exact reason why his time estimation is so off and he is so behind. While it is great customer service you received even if he charged you fairly he is loosing money by being so anal about things not in his scope.  He should of looked at you when the car came off with a blown hose and told you to reschedule  and keep the appointment that was after you on schedule.

That is also the exact reason why his time estimation is so off and he is so behind. While it is great customer service you received even if he charged you fairly he is loosing money by being so anal about things not in his scope.  He should of looked at you when the car came off with a blown hose and told you to reschedule  and keep the appointment that was after you on schedule.
Only if his goal is to tune as many cars as possible that day. 

That is also the exact reason why his time estimation is so off and he is so behind. While it is great customer service you received even if he charged you fairly he is loosing money by being so anal about things not in his scope.  He should of looked at you when the car came off with a blown hose and told you to reschedule  and keep the appointment that was after you on schedule.
I understand what your saying. The flip side of that coin is customer service. Isn’t that what we all cry about is Crapty customer service? His downfall is not informing other customers of the delays. We can all agree that the kind of experience Pennywise received is what we all want to see. I guess there is a fine line between keeping everyone happy and just trying to make a buck.

I understand what your saying. The flip side of that coin is customer service. Isn’t that what we all cry about is Crapty customer service? His downfall is not informing other customers of the delays. We can all agree that the kind of experience Pennywise received is what we all want to see. I guess there is a fine line between keeping everyone happy and just trying to make a buck.
I agree, everyone wants great service. But it's not an either/or situation. If he's that far behind on appointments, maybe he should hire one or two more employees to handle the inevitable minor things that go wrong and he can concentrate on the engine tuning. This way he can provide the same excellent service and still try to keep up with the demand.

His current tactics of blowing off customers, ducking phone calls, having Rachel give people the run around is definitely going to ruin his reputation.

I don't think anyone has an issue with Lance's tuning skills, it is just frustrating when your car has been there since Jan 28 (4 1/2 months...) and I can't get a txt, phone call or update.  I am 12 hours away from his shop so I can't stop by and check on the status.  I texted him and rachel and said if he is too busy or doesn't want to deal with it, lmk and I will drive down and pick it up.

I don't think anyone has an issue with Lance's tuning skills, it is just frustrating when your car has been there since Jan 28 (4 1/2 months...) and I can't get a txt, phone call or update.  I am 12 hours away from his shop so I can't stop by and check on the status.  I texted him and rachel and said if he is too busy or doesn't want to deal with it, lmk and I will drive down and pick it up.
I totally agree with you. As I said, his downfall is keeping customers informed.

Great I was going to have him tune my new car.  hope he gets caught up and is solid before I need a tune.  Otherwise it will head back to phoenix to get tuned. 

Some issue is the customer just does not listen to him, they try to bully there way on the conversation, For example he had a customer with a crossed threaded balancer bolt with a balancer that needed replacing, he spent hours trying to fix it, and told the customer that it needed fixing, and the customer just kept on trying to have Lance fix it.  Lance told him that it needed fixing and he does not have the time to mess with it,  but the customer just kept on trying to get him to fix it,  so then Lance just turned him self off to him, 

If you are looking to have your hand held and need more than tuning,  then yes most likely he will just shut down on you,   If your car is pretty close to being tuned then I am pretty sure it will have no issue,  

Lance will also blow you off if you feel like his time is being waisted,  couple examples,  calling for information over and over again and not being a customer, he get crazy amounts of emails and DM's.  There are some Engine Builders that he will not tune, So if you have a motor with a builder that he has constant issues with, than it might be a no go, 

He is one of the only tuners that will pull plugs and look at them with a plug scope, he checks omh's on the wires, and will look at base timing with a timing gun,  

Lance does not really need the money from Tuning, this is not his primary buisness, and does it because he like sand cars,  The cars that i have seen that sit at the shop the longest are hard to get parts or Wiring issues, if a car has major wiring issues, it pretty much best to pick it up and get it figured out,  

He has always responded to my DM's, might not be right away, but always a response,  

My car has been on Lances dyno more then 10 times(3 engines, different heads, cams, intakes) and have spent a lot time in his shop.  I take pride in bringing my car fully prepped and have still had a issue.  He took a full day helping me getting to the bottom of it.  I have seen the bs he has to deal with customers.... it is truely amazing the chit people try to get away with.  Since he is a one man show....the office manager acting as a gate keeper is a necessary evil.  
I have had great experience with Lance and he is the only person that I will allow to touch my car.  His prices are extremely fair for what you get.  I take my car in for pre season health checks as well



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