Kawasaki KRX 4 in glamis.

Oct 10, 2022
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Anyone on here run a KRX 4 in glamis? Would prefer real work feedback from someone who’s actually been behind the wheel in one in the dunes. Trips to glamis would be less than 3 times a year if at all.

A good friend has the two seat KRX. He’s taken the car to the Glamis, but it’s a dog in the dunes. He gets around, but he’s not climbing hills or going fast. He bought the System 3 SS360 tires for the rear, and it helped a bunch vs the hard pack knobby tires, but it’s definitely not a dune car. But if you like him are only going once or twice a year, and mostly do hard pack. It’s a good car.
Deranged Offroad was really tooling around Dumont Dunes in a KRX 4 years ago. This doesn't look like a "dog" to me @NIKAL ? How do you interpret this video?

Deranged Offroad was really tooling around Dumont Dunes in a KRX 4 years ago. This doesn't look like a "dog" to me @NIKAL ? How do you interpret this video?

Seems to be ok in the video. But he’s riding by himself. Let the guy try to keep pace and go where other N/A UTV’s and turbos are going in the dunes and you will see the KRX not do as well. Again my friend could get around most of dunes ok. But the fact is the 2019 RZR N/A car which is 3hp less then the KRX, and is 300+ lbs lighter gets around the dunes better then the KRX does. He had a N/A RZR prior, and said his KRX in the sand is not as good as his old N/A RZR, even with the sand tire on the rear. And when running with turbo utv’s it’s a struggle to keep up. But for the riding we do, mostly Plaster City/Superstition the KRX rides nicer then the older RZR. Im not dogging the car at all. I think it’s a nice car, it’s just not as good as others in the dunes. If Glamis & sand, was his main place to go, it would not be high on my list. If you run mostly hard pack with a few trips to the dunes, I’d say the KRX is a good choice.

Im looking forward to see what Kawi releases in a few months. I’m thinking it’s going to be something more people are going to want.
I've been duning since 1986 and have duned about every piece of equipment you can think of. I currently have a krx 2 seater and cannot even imagine taking this thing to the dunes. To me it's a slug on the mountain roads. Works fine for poking around but to try to get around the dunes I just can't imagine.
I work at a kawi dealership, the krx is a great machine and works really well for what it was built for: trails and rocks. It will do ok in the dunes, and for 1-2 times a year you'll be just fine, air down the stockers and run 4wd. It's really pretty solid overall, aside from the audio system kawi sells with them.
Seems to be ok in the video. But he’s riding by himself. Let the guy try to keep pace and go where other N/A UTV’s and turbos are going in the dunes and you will see the KRX not do as well. Again my friend could get around most of dunes ok. But the fact is the 2019 RZR N/A car which is 3hp less then the KRX, and is 300+ lbs lighter gets around the dunes better then the KRX does. He had a N/A RZR prior, and said his KRX in the sand is not as good as his old N/A RZR, even with the sand tire on the rear. And when running with turbo utv’s it’s a struggle to keep up. But for the riding we do, mostly Plaster City/Superstition the KRX rides nicer then the older RZR. Im not dogging the car at all. I think it’s a nice car, it’s just not as good as others in the dunes. If Glamis & sand, was his main place to go, it would not be high on my list. If you run mostly hard pack with a few trips to the dunes, I’d say the KRX is a good choice.

Im looking forward to see what Kawi releases in a few months. I’m thinking it’s going to be something more people are going to want.
Thanks for your excellent analysis. I agree with everything you said.
I work at a kawi dealership, the krx is a great machine and works really well for what it was built for: trails and rocks. It will do ok in the dunes, and for 1-2 times a year you'll be just fine, air down the stockers and run 4wd. It's really pretty solid overall, aside from the audio system kawi sells with them.
I think Deranged Offroad was doing exactly what you said, airing down the stockers. You can see them at 3:54 in the video. The video shows he had a lot of fun that day, and if he would have used sand tires in the rear it could have been even better. Still, I understand that the turbos have the higher speeds for anyone who seriously needs that.
The KRX is going to be pretty good for its intended use, trails and rock crawling, Dunes...not so much.
Can you do it, sure but you will most likely be white knuckling it or just staying low in the dunes.
I had a 2008 Rhino with the 700 F/I motor, Twisted Labs Long Travel and full cage...thing weighed more than the space shuttle and had a whopping 27 HP.
I was considering the KRX before buying my can am!
I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad on my decision to go Can Am. Last weekend in Dumont hit 70 mph in the dunes no problem!
The KRX would be the new version of the rhino in that you have to really pick your lines and cut corners, stay low, go around certain ones.
I don't regret having my rhino...taking that to the dunes was a learning curve and I think made me a better driver. You really had to pay attention to the terrain.
Remember when people had 660 rhinos and couldn’t get out of their own way? They were having fun. Hauling ass don’t equal fun necessarily.

It was fun because you were in a group of them mashing through the dunes as fast as the Rhino would go.
I love all the replies but still waiting for someone who owns one and been to glamis to reply.

Friend in our group still has a stock 660 rhino it gets night duty when all the big cars are parked. It’s still a blast even with 4 full size adults but you need to pick your path wisely! I was the lucky one in the front passenger seat!
My old man used to say

There’s street cars and there’s offroad cars.. if you try to make one do both you get one that isn’t good at either..


Weirdly that applies to dirt cars and sand cars.. most the great sand cars I don’t think would last an afternoon where I live.. inversely most real dirt cars are too heavy for complete sand usage..

I’m a huge fan of kawi and the krx.. it isn’t fast but god damn those cars are tough.

For a couple times a year I’d run it.. that’s my .02. The other 90% of the time it’s a great dirt car.

My speed is a heavy car.. it isn’t a sand car. I’m pretty convinced it would run circles around a krx in Glamis though.

If my mission wasn’t 90% dirt (living in havasu). I’d ditch it today for something more sand appropriate after buying gd.com. Problem is I Offroad two three times a week out here right out of my garage and it’s a very capable platform for what I’m doing 90% of the time and “ok” at what I’m doing 10% of the time.
