JD'S Memes

According to the fire company it took 12,000 gallons of water to fully extinguish the lithium battery-powered Tesla. Crews can normally extinguish a fully involved regular vehicle fire with approximately 500 gallons or less.





According to the fire company it took 12,000 gallons of water to fully extinguish the lithium battery-powered Tesla. Crews can normally extinguish a fully involved regular vehicle fire with approximately 500 gallons or less.

Wouldn't foam be better?  Maybe they used the wrong tool...

Wouldn't foam be better?  Maybe they used the wrong tool...
Yes, they used the incorrect process. I taught firemen for two years about that very issue. Water on a Lithium battery fire creates hydrogen and makes the fire larger.

Customer: My Hard Drive Is Full. Wat to do?

Me: Delete All Your Porn.

Customer: Wat?
