At this early hour, it.
Appears that tens-of-billions in American "Military Aid" to
Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight
Russia, was cash that Ukraine DID NOT use to fight
Russia, but instead invested into FTX!
And, as you might guess from the Bankruptcy
filing it now seems that all the money .. is gone.
Yes, you read that correctly: Instead of using US
Military Aid to fight Russia, Ukraine "
"invested" part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all
the money is gone.
Democrat Donations Also at this early hour, it now also
appears that the Chief of FTX, Sam Blankman-Fried, was the #2
donor to the Democrats. He was only outspent by
Soros himself!
Seems Ukraine was receiving money from
the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, and FTX sent it
to Democrats, who originally voted to send it
to Ukraine. At this hour, it__appears_to some
observers, to be pure, criminal, money-laundering,
and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign
finance laws.Alt now seems to closely-watching
observers that the kid burned his own company -
and his own ass - just to make sure the Dems won
the mid-term elections, and seems to have done it
by pulling the rug out from all those that had funds
there in FTX.
So the collapse of FTX is now linked not only
to Ukraine, but also to US Democrat politicians
who got money from Sam Blankman-Fried, to
campaign for the just-ended elections!