JD'S Memes

This popped onto my TV screen just days before Biden's meeting with Putin.

I could never understand why Biden, after he closed down the Canada-USA Keystone Pipeline at a cost of thousands of jobs, lifted the Trump sanction on the Russian pipeline to Germany.

It didn't make any sense to me.

It was harmful to the environment. It was harmful to the American economy. It was harmful to America's energy independence. It was harmful to American jobs. But it rewarded the Russian economy, Russian jobs, and Russian influence and power over European energy needs.

This after preaching to us that Russia was America's Number one enemy.

So why did Biden do it?

It has been revealed that Joe Biden received money from a Russia lobbyist just before he lifted the US sanctions of their Nord Stream pipeline project.

This is jaw-droppingly Russian Collusion!! The crime the Democrats falsely accused Trump for 5 years!!

If the Democrats didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standard at all.

