JD'S Memes

Nothing in this image could exist without oil.
Read That ^^ Again.
Plastic car, made with oil.
Girls clothes, made with oil.
Paint, made with oil.
Still no cure for stupid.

Back In The Day, They Ate Well.
Menu from the Annual Winter Dinner, Sons of the American Revolution. Concord, New Hampshire in 1899. Cover in comments.
From the New York Public Library
Birth Right? Correct Or Incorrect? Read Your Actual History.
Born In The US Equals Citizen?
Truth: Never Intended for tourists, legal or illegal tourists.
This policy has been gamed for years. "Birth Tourism"
Common in New York, entire hotels reserved for "Birth Tourists".
The entire concept was to allow "Slaves" born here to be a citizen.
Slaves were not accepted as a "Person", and The Congress
Remedied This Travesty.
Trump wants the supreme court to resume the intended purpose.
Birth Right? Correct Or Incorrect? Read Your Actual History.
Born In The US Equals Citizen?
Truth: Never Intended for tourists, legal or illegal tourists.
This policy has been gamed for years. "Birth Tourism"
Common in New York, entire hotels reserved for "Birth Tourists".
The entire concept was to allow "Slaves" born here to be a citizen.
Slaves were not accepted as a "Person", and The Congress
Remedied This Travesty.
Trump wants the supreme court to resume the intended purpose.
Yep, too bad the Left only cares that if Trump is doing it. it must be stopped! That's all they care about.
It should be real simple: If your parents are citizens, living here, working, contributing and you are born here...then yes you are a citizen!
None of this, show up pregnant from another country, pop out some kids, get US citizenship...head back home...Total BS!!!
If your parents are NOT citizens, then too bad, neither should you be...now you can go through the right process to become one, but not just because you were born here!