JD'S Memes

What sucks is my wife, and I work hard for our money, pay a shit ton of taxes and we Owe every year.
People say oh just have more taken out of your check!!
WHY??? Eff our government...they don't deserve ANY of my money cause they're going to misuse it anyways!
If I could, I would claim every dependent available...9 or whatever it is so they don't get ANY of my money till the end of the year!
I set aside already in an account just to pay my tax bill at the end of the year.
They tried to penalize me last year for not paying enough!! But I paid my bill on time and so no penalty! EFFERS!
EFF You, I claim effing Married/ZERO, you get enough of my money!!!
You want what I worked for right off the bat...EFF YOU To the power of EFF YOU!!!
Rant somewhat over......