JD'S Memes

"Conservative Momma" Says:

“You Say Trump isn’t Conservative enough.”

You’re right.

I’ll give you that.

Being a Conservative, ProLife, Christian mom, there’s a lot I wish Trump would and wouldn’t not do.

But I am fully aware that we don’t have the option to vote our feelings, wishes or our “favorites” as we are being invaded at our southern border, and the opposition is cutting off children’s genitals, while we are on the brink of being pulled into multiple wars.

We don’t have time for wishful thinking or time to play pretend -the very existence of our Republic is taking its final breath with only some last minute resuscitation or a move of God Almighty being our only hope.

Not being dramatic, we have literal real life “Dr Evils,”meeting to “take over the world” and openly admitting now to a “new world order.” A world in which your individual freedoms cease to exist.

So ya, okay- you don’t like the nominee.

Get over it.

I mean that.

Get over it.

Get over your feelings and wishes, and realize what we are REALLY up against.

A day one Trump Administration is vastly different than a day one Michelle Obama, Newsom, Biden, or anyone else the left throws our way.

There’s no comparison and no way to argue that a life with the “Orange many bad” is a thousand times better than “own nothing and eat the bugs.”
