JD'S Memes

When Charlie Chaplin proposed to Ooana O'Neil, he was 53 years old and she was 18 years old. The great artist said, "Marry me so I can teach you how to live and teach me how to die."

She replied, "No, Charlie, I'm going to marry you so you can teach me how to grow up and teach you how to stay young."

They lived together for 34 years and had 8 children.

Clearly, They Didn't Have Cable TV.


Basic Flying Rules:

1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.

2. Do not go near the edges of it.

3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, water, and interstellar space.

It is much more difficult to fly there.


The Price Of New Ink For The High End

$2,000.00 Canon 1000 Printer Is Only $800.00

Then There Is This:

