JD'S Memes

Welding Table Pivots On Bowling Ball

James Muhs built a tilting welding table by using a bowling ball for a pivot point. He got the idea from an adjustable mirror he saw in a jewelry store.

“Once I got the idea of an adjustable welding table, using a bowling ball for the pivot point just came to me,” says Muhs. “I just let the pressure off a little, tilt or rotate the table to suit, and then lock it down again.”


After many years of experience in the working world, I've decided to start something new again.

I will be offering training courses for teenagers starting in November!

Content: Coaching and practical tasks.

One module runs for over 6 weeks.

The course is aimed at all young people

Participation via Zoom or in teams is possible.

Module 1:

"Toilet paper"

How does the paper get out of the wrapper to the toilet paper holder?

What happens when toilet paper is empty?

Group discussion + practical exercises

Module 2:

"Dirty clothes" - what do we do next?

Difference between the laundry basket and floor.

PowerPoint Presentation + Chart

Module 3:

"Basics of dishwasher"

How do dishes get off the table into the dishwasher?

In-depth seminar - difficulties and solution strategies for removing dishes and garbage from the bedroom.

Module 4:

"How do you find stuff without asking your parents?" "

Open discussion/opening cabinets.

Module 5:

How do the clean dishes get back into the right place in the kitchen cabinet?

Video example + practical exercises

Module 6:

"Sink function + the roll out"

We are doing practical exercises - what does a clean table mean, and what is needed to drain a sink?

Practical exercises in groups.

Due to increasing demand, each course starts on the principle first come, first serve basis.

Please DM me if you are keen.
