Ivermectin: The Truth [Make sure you watch this.]

Those who were liberal have turned fascist, now that their way of thinking has become accepted.  The wheel turns.
I guess the consolation prize is that the majority of libs took the jab, so if there are widespread "consequences", it will hit more hit that population harder.

And if i had to wager money, the politicians took placebo jabs.

In the UK, where the reporting is probably closer to the actual numbers, those with the jab are the majority of 'vid deaths...

The headline is a bit misleading: most who got the jab are higher risk, and therefore more likely to have issues with COVID.  The numbers still line up as a higher survival rate with than without for each age range.  This is kind of like how Gov Newscum keeps saying CA did better with COVID than FL, but when you look at the numbers by age group, you'd see both states did about the same.

As always these days, politics seem to get involved for reasons I don't understand.  While we're all squabbling over this stuff, the They are getting richer and more powerful, regardless of who's in charge.

Yup, and you can’t even sue for damages if it’s an emergency use drug or vaccine. It’s all thought out. Sadistic. I wonder if the life insurance companies will get more involved and decide not to pay out if they can prove you took an experimental jab?
It already happened in Europe, rich guy with $1m blanket policy. The insurance co told his family since he got the jab he committed suicide. No coverage for suicides. 


It already happened in Europe, rich guy with $1m blanket policy. The insurance co told his family since he got the jab he committed suicide. No coverage for suicides. 

With something that sensational I think conservative news sites would be blasting that, but I don't see it anywhere. I see a bunch of places reporting that it's not true. 

Who knows anymore I mean honestly.. you can't believe anything nowadays, not even what you see

With something that sensational I think conservative news sites would be blasting that, but I don't see it anywhere. I see a bunch of places reporting that it's not true. 

Who knows anymore I mean honestly.. you can't believe anything nowadays, not even what you see
I remember when it first happened, his kids were all over then it got buried, like every other thing THEY(MSM) want to "debunk"... sucks

Another surprise the CEO Of one America life insurance 

Why the uptick in deaths in the working class group? 40%increase?!! Forced Covid jabs perhaps?  Why the uptick in short and long term disability? He claims low vaccination rates. But most have had their jabs and the rest have had Covid so where’s the immunity?Either he’s dumb or he’s trying to get the message out about the dangers of the jab and doesn’t want to be silenced. Why is no one talking about this? More deaths post vaccine and the delta surge then before? What’s going on? 

The last couple seconds of that video speak volumes.  They are going to raise the rates in counties with LOW jab rates.  Why?  Those people will continue to pay in well beyond the those with the class that think they are superior for getting the jab.
