Ivermectin: The Truth [Make sure you watch this.]

We are all mammals. If ivermectin works on cows it can and does work on us. It is amazing how easily the person is fooled. 
I am guessing there is not a bunch of environmentalist, electric vehicle, save the world thru government regulation people here.

I thought I read somewhere that Big Brotha couldn’t executive order the Vax if there was a possible option (Ivermectin) so that’s why Ivermectin got the MSM bad wrap. 

Stupid is Stupid does. This country will only get worse in time. Look at Venezuela. 

That is sickening....  drastic measures need to be taken against this type of stuff.  

Glad my immediate family and I took the safe and effective Ivermectin instead of trying out some unproven experimental jab that the masses bought in on with scare tactics. We all boldly stood for our right to choose what to put in our bodies and not have that right taken from us with threats about losing our jobs or having  it affect our relationship with family and friends. 

Happy that the truth is finally coming out and we’re not the crazy conspiracy theorist/ Anti-Vaxxer many thought we were. Sad to see what will unfold as the vaccine side effects become more prevalent. 

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Soo Sad how this was played out on the American People / Now greater than 40% of the Covid Deaths are Vacinated and Boosted people!!!

Total Scam!!!

I work within the FDA guidelines on equipment and have access to the 510K database, some of the vax's being isued are still the ones from the EUA and are NOT the 510K approved versions. "Our" government is dirty as FACK in this and has stacked way too many bodies so they could line their bank accounts.  :bird: them

I work within the FDA guidelines on equipment and have access to the 510K database, some of the vax's being isued are still the ones from the EUA and are NOT the 510K approved versions. "Our" government is dirty as FACK in this and has stacked way too many bodies so they could line their bank accounts.  :bird: them
Those MOFOS need to face the consequences. God Damn F&*kinG C%$k soakers. 

I work within the FDA guidelines on equipment and have access to the 510K database, some of the vax's being isued are still the ones from the EUA and are NOT the 510K approved versions. "Our" government is dirty as FACK in this and has stacked way too many bodies so they could line their bank accounts.  :bird: them
Yup, and you can’t even sue for damages if it’s an emergency use drug or vaccine. It’s all thought out. Sadistic. I wonder if the life insurance companies will get more involved and decide not to pay out if they can prove you took an experimental jab?

Those who were liberal have turned fascist, now that their way of thinking has become accepted.  The wheel turns.

Those who were liberal have turned fascist, now that their way of thinking has become accepted.  The wheel turns.
