Took the quick hitch off my 50k lb excavator to rebuild the ram. Took 4 hours just to get it off and 4 hours to disassemble. Had a stuck pin that took relieving with a drill, pb blaster and 20 ton press at full bypass and heat and it still wasn’t budging until I hit it with an air chisel and “Boom” it moved. Was pretty scary. When I took the ram apart I found a cut seal. This thing probably weighs 600 lbs. dented my truck bed just transporting it
Went to a grandsons violin concert
Gave another granddaughter a ride around the driveway before I left to get some hydraulic hoses made in Perris. She calls me “Papa Rhino” cause she loves grandpa giving her rides in the Yamaha Rhino.
Spent 3 hours degreasing and pressure washing the mini X to get ready to pull out the slew motor and replace the pinion seal. It’s been leaking for a year but just recently got a lot worse