It's Saturday July 27th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

I'm headed to the mopar club monthly meeting in a bit.  Got some chores and honey dos to work on this weekend.  Going to visit my MIL, maybe help out my son clean up his old appt and probably goto Coronado tomorrow for tue concert in the park.  

Working on clearing storm damage we came home to. 

These things should have "age restrictions" on them imo.


Good Day to Y'ALL. Celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Headed to the Hotel we had the Ceremony at and enjoy another wonderful evening together. Peace
Congrats   Enjoy the day

Getting ready to go back to a wild fire in the morning. We are moving tomorrow to another fire will be my 4th fire already this year am getting so over it. This will probably be my last to old to chase fires all over the state. We are 6 hours from home now.

Going to Mom's for her Bday... 100 years old.. Still lives in a big house, drives, sharper than most 60 year olds.....Good German genes and a 5 o'clock beer every day. 
Good lord Larry, you must have been an accident.  :classic_tongue:

Happy birthday to your mom. 

Finally made some time to work on my dad's 1955 Ford F100. Stopped by Performance Online warehouse in Corona on Friday and picked up a brake booster. Got that installed today. Way to easy. Next is to slap the 5.3/4L80E in it. My step-dad bought the truck around 1997 withba SBC in it and he had my buddy install a Fat Man Mustang II frint suspension. My step-dad passed away a cluple yewrs ago and i bought the truck from his estate. He had a target 350cui and turbo 350 trans but I'm an LS guy so I picked up a used 5.3/4L80E. He would be pissed if he knew what I was doing.

The goal is to get it running and take my mom for a ride. Trucks been sitting in pieces since 1998ish.

I should do a build thread...



Im not watching the Gay Pride Christian mocking Olympics for sure.

Woke can screw up anything they get their hands on.

Im not watching the Gay Pride Christian mocking Olympics for sure.
I just heard about this in church this morning....  imagine if a church did that to a secular organization.......  

I used to love the Olympics.   Now....  I'm officially done.  It breaks my heart for most of the Olympians and the effort they put in.  

Tinkering on the work van again all freaking weekend. 

Still not going to have it back on the road for work next week. 

Damn exhaust manifolds are always such a PIA. Busted bolts slowed my progress. 17221981350423247420882955075968.jpg
