Its Saturday DEC 9TH what is everyone doing this weekend

That would stop my whole city in its tracks. Some of us would have 4 wheel drive and know how to use it w/chains but the rest of em would try to leave for work in their normal vehicles and clog that up tight. Is that a deer along the top of the road by the big left tree?
I've been rolling a 2wd work van most days for 23 years. We are at about 8800'. Just west of Denver. Im heavy with good studded snow tires being key. Or fresh A/T with a snow rating. Have ⛓️ if needed. Most have no idea how to drive in the snow or be prepared.

Time to go knock on some wood. Lol.

Yep. That's a deer. They are like squirrels around here.


Made it to 55 trips around the sun and am currently nursing a well earned hangover after having dinner at Arthur J last night followed up with some proper drinking at Brewco,  Shellback and Ercoles as a celebration.  Gonna head to the French cafe for breakfast in a few and then across the plaza to the pub to watch some games and see if my bets hit . . .

Had a great weekend at Glamis. Family friend brought out some pulled pork that was delicious. Our son’s friend came out for the first time to Glamis. We helped put a paddle tire on his dirtbike and introduced him to the sand dunes. He had a great time and I’m sure he’ll be back for more excitement.


Had a great weekend at Glamis. Family friend brought out some pulled pork that was delicious. Our son’s friend came out for the first time to Glamis. We helped put a paddle tire on his dirtbike and introduced him to the sand dunes. He had a great time and I’m sure he’ll be back for more excitement.

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I’m not sure who taught the grandsons to do things like this!   :rofl:




