Its Saturday Dec 17th.. Whats everyone doing this weekend

Installed a Clean Out for drainage purposes at the Dream Home. Going to grade to the Clean Out today. Then prepare for Glamis. Another Road Trip. Unlike @Bobalos I'm still in Love! Peace

I want to ride with you Cheffro Tull!! When you guys heading out?

I moved a fridge on Friday. Yesterday my wrists and forearms were toast!! I might have reinjured my left wrist. Thing was so heavy. Was able to slide it about 1/4" at a time. Started off wearing a hoodie. By the time it was done i was apologizing for dripping sweat all over their tile floor. Their ice maker stopped working because of all the dog hair blocking the vents behind the fridge. Homeowner was funny too because they have 2 of those labrodoodle things. Whole point is they dont shed. Yet they have dog hair everywhere.  

didnt do crap yesterday. tig welded some exhaust for a guy today and decided to clean out my toyota thats been sitting in the driveway (engines toast) since 2018 and found $104 in it.

cooking up a steak in a little bit for dinner.

Finished up my shock rebuild.   Went from remotes to piggybacks with dual compression adjusters.  I hope this gets me to the next level on my car's ride and comfort. 

I had to build these shocks from parts as Fox discontinued this configuration.  Kind of a cool process to machine things and make it custom.





Bunch of 🍯 does around the house in preparation for a house full for Christmas eve party.

Prepped my 23 year old board to go do some runs with my kids, wife and nephews tomorrow. Should be interesting. I've never rode with my kids or nephews. Oldest nephew is off to boot camp next month and is desperately wanting to ride with his uncle. Im.told he slays it.

Crushed my calcanius 20 years ago. Docs said I would never ride again. Been up less than 12x in 20 years. Fingers crossed I don't Jack myself up.

Hopefully all my retro gear still fits and my bindings don't fall apart on the 1st run.


Leaving around the 22nd. Maybe earlier. It's supposed to get COLD in TX. We want out before that. Love to see ya Chop. Peace
Darn im stuck down with family. We celebrated yesterday with cousins. My brother and sister didnt come. I made the joke..."why are the Raiders playing?"

Sure enough i see on FB the raiders won with a funny play. Posted 18 hours ago. Guessing that game was yesterday. 

If they can ditch family for football surely i can do the same for the Big G!! But i wont. Scheduled to work for an older lady on the 23rd. Promised i would get there before xmas cant let her down. 
