It's Saturday Dec 14th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?


Apr 30, 2021
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So the weekend is upon us once again what is everyone plans
Headed down to a meat shop that specializes in jerky and sticks. Possible Christmas gifts to send back home. Then home to smoke and BBQ chicken and turkey with a buddy.
Headed to San Diego this AM.
Early Christmas present exchange
as some are wintering in Italy over the 24th and 25th.
Merry Ho Ho.
Company Christmas Party Yesterday. Everyone loves cash bonuses. Landscape Landscape Landscape. Dropped another $70,000 into the Dream Home. Two (2) huge Red Oaks. One massive Crape Mertle. 30 Nellie R Stevens for fence look. Got to block out the neighbors view. Major Desert Scene about to be erected. Can't Wait to see it with the Synthetic Grass look. Repairing the Ice maker in the Moho. RV stands for Repair Vehicle. Gonna clean the air filter on the quad. Clean the SXS. Load the trailer. We MIGHT head to Mother Glamis next Friday. Still debating. Y'ALL have a great weekend. Peace
I need to work on my car. We'll see.

Later tonight the Havasu Holiday Boat Parade. Always a good time.
We’re putting up curtains in the guest quarters and hanging the new tv’s. I could start cleaning up everything for our New Year trip or not. Lots of work before Jan 9th. MIL moves in.
Everyone have a great and safe weekend. 🇺🇸
Maybe helping son with sand car, get ready for dune time.
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Recovering from last nights party in our complex. Tamales, tequila, music, fun, games and a fucking petting zoo . . .
Did somemore chopping splitting wood with an ax and burnt up my old electric chainsaw it decided it was old and when smoke came from the motor it was done so in the Trash it went
Still at local ICU, but my daughter is much better, her flu and pneumonia finally went away 3 days ago, thank God. Hopefully we can leave ICU in a few days, before Christmas. Just wanna take her home.

Been here since the end of November.
Helped SDORC, TDS, SD4Wheelers and Tread Lightly with a cleanup at Corral Canyon OHV. Served about 75 people lunch after the cleanup.

Tonight is the company Christmas party.

Tomorrow is my nephew’s birthday.
Smoked a pork butt and put some miles on the RZR mobbing it in the desert. That damn car just keeps impressing me; I push it harder and harder and it asks for more. Darkness fell so I was able to test out and adjust the new BD light bar (40" ONX6) for the first time; that thing throw some insane light! LP4s for the A pillars still haven't arrived but I'm stoked to see what they add now.
Smoked a pork butt and put some miles on the RZR mobbing it in the desert. That damn car just keeps impressing me; I push it harder and harder and it asks for more. Darkness fell so I was able to test out and adjust the new BD light bar (40" ONX6) for the first time; that thing throw some insane light! LP4s for the A pillars still haven't arrived but I'm stoked to see what they add now.

I don't like your car! HA! Peace
Headed to San Diego this AM.
Early Christmas present exchange
as some are wintering in Italy over the 24th and 25th.
Merry Ho Ho.
Turns Out, I'm Officially A "Great Grandfather" Now.
Proof Will Show Up In 6 Months.
My Second Grandson Managed To Marry and Hit
A Home Run Since I Saw Him Last.
Great Christmas Present.